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Posts posted by greendixy

  1. Hey ordered a pineapple 2 and i was wondering about modding it for a second antenna i have seen in the close up's there is a second spot beside the original correct? if anyone has a link please share i have searched the forums but may not be looking in the right place. tyvm in advance

  2. i use to play wow still have the account just never use it anymore got all the expansions etc. its only really good at level 80 and being a paladin or priest as there hard to kill if it was legal threw there terms i would have sold my account a long long time ago

  3. @keepingshhhtum

    i have a few codes in perl that does some brute force i can eather post it here or give you a link to them later on im sure if you look at the codes you can modify them to "Test on your own server"

  4. @Infiltrator

    Cool would test it out, But non of my computers run windows. All 4 desktops, And my laptop run's Linux. The code i have had on cd for ages, Wen't threw them all and found it. So thought it might be some use to someone. I got lots more, But i think i will just upload it to my website. Will post link soon, Once i get it updated and files added.

  5. Here is a monitor script i use, To monitor the services running and from what user.

    while true
      ps aux | head -n 1
      ps aux | egrep "egg" | grep -v grep
      sleep 15

    Where you see "egg" You can change it to what ever one you want. "name1|name2|etc" using | you can add more processes.

    If you want it to update faster just change "Sleep 15" to a lower number.

    Going threw old codes will give more out soon

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