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Everything posted by hyperhead

  1. No problem, it was a fun exercise for me, I am going to do a Win 7 and Linux version with Python eventually. In answer to a CLI version, i have a stripped down version of this tool which is just an .exe that sets a static mac address based upon an .ini file. The AutoIT code is as follows: #include <Process.au3> $IP = IniRead(@UserProfileDir & "\ARP.ini", "Router", "IP", "NotFound") $MAC = IniRead(@UserProfileDir & "\ARP.ini", "Router", "MAC", "NotFound") ConsoleWrite("deleting ARP cache if one is there" & @CRLF) _RunDos("arp -d *" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Setting static arp entry" & @CRLF) _RunDos ("arp -s " & $IP & " " & $MAC & @CRLF) TrayTip("ARP table static", "ARP entry for default gateway made static", 5, 1) Sleep(2000) Just compile this into an .exe with AutoIT The ARP.ini file should look like this: [Router] IP = MAC = 00-12-8c-fe-ev-24 The IP is the IP Address of your Router (default gateway) The MAC is the MAC address of your Router (default gateway) I have not tested this, but given it to a friend to use, who has had no problems with it.
  2. Thanks, ill add that to the webpage as something to watch for when using the tool!
  3. Hi I have written a tool in AutoIT to enable the manipulation of the ARP Table in Windows XP. You can assign a gateway as static and also monitor the table when in dynamic mode for any duplicate MAC addresses for indicating Man in the Middle / ARP Cache poisoning attacks. The tool was inspired by ARPFreeze and DecaffeinatID tools by IronGeek. Has been tested against ettercap ARP Cache poisoning attack running on Ubuntu and Back Track. Doesn't work fully in Win 7, not bothered trying Vista as will probably be the same as Win 7. The source code to the application is available. download Chiron ARP Table monitoring and manipulation
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