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  1. When the PineApple boots up, I can see a new network interface. It’s unidentified Ethernet 3. I can’t ping it on the 42.1. When pining in command prompt or power shell I get the following result. Pinging with 32 bytes of data: General Failure General Failure General Failure General Failure Ping statistics for Packets: Sent =4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss)
  2. Hello all!! I have recently gotten back to the point where I'm able to dabble in some pentesting as professional development in my home lab. My pineapple has been in storage for about a year and I forgot the password to it. "No problem", I thought "I'll just do a factory reset and set a new password." But what had not dawned on my is that I am using a new computer vs the last time I used it. Something is not connecting with the settings on my computer, I cant access any of the IPs (The 42.42 or the 42.1) on any port I have tried. I've used different browsers, tried different firewall rules. Nada. I have the PineApple connected via the USB-C cable and still have had no luck connecting to it. I've followed all the literature to a T to set it up. Any help with the settings on my computer would be appreciated. I do have Nord and U-Orign as my VPN and adblocker respectively. I had those same programs installed on my last machine and I was able to connect to my pine apple no problem. Running an HP notebook with Windows 11.
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