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  1. My colleagues and I used to use the old ProxyHelper module extensively for mobile application assessments. Useful for forcing client device web traffic into Burp Suite for analysis when an app isn't honoring proxy settings. Anywho, the old module doesn't work on mark vii's, so I reimplemented it if anyone needs that kinda tool: https://github.com/hoodoer/proxy-helper-the-sequel/releases/tag/v1.0 Here's the blog on the old one, with the holidays probably can't get an updated blog published soon. https://trustedsec.com/blog/introducing-proxy-helper-a-new-wifi-pineapple-module
  2. Yup, code changes to my module.py requires a reboot to get the changes to take. Seems like I must be missing something really easy.
  3. I'm working on a module with a backend python script, and I've noticed that the pineapple is running an older copy of the python code strangely, even when I completely delete the module and update it with the new code. Looking in /pineapple/modules at the source code I've confirmed that python code is updated, yet I get responses that match older copies of the script. Rebooting the pineapple seems to fix this. This is really making development a challenge, is there some caching scheme going on? I'm baffled that completely removing/deleting the module in the UI and re-uploading the updated code doesn't always update the python logic. The UI itself seems to update fine though. What's going on here, and how to I refresh the entire module without having to reboot? Thanks!
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