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Everything posted by ErrorNoob404notfound

  1. Dear Humans, Followed the instructions provided in the user manual and utilized the firmware flashing tool to execute the factory reset process. But encounter the below error message during the process that is preventing the reset from completing successfully. In fact, I encountering difficulties even establishing a stable connection between the programmer and the O.MG-CABLE for the flashing process. Here's a summary of the error using py flasher: The error message states: I immediately tried: - Disconnected and reconnected the O.MG-CABLE to the USB port. - Ensured that only one programmer is connected to the computer. - Restarted the computer and attempted the factory reset process again. Unfortunately, despite these efforts, I continue to encounter the same error message. Connection Setup: [My PC💻 USB A] =} ----🔌----{USB C}-> [PC_programmer_OMG USB A] =} ----O.MG🔌----{USB C lose end} LED Indicators: When I plug in the programmer, the PWD LED turns RED. When I connect the O.MG-CABLE, the PWN LED stays lit, but the CABLE LED flashes RED twice but weaker. Web Flasher Interface: Upon pressing the "Connect" button, the CP2102 USB bridge UART COM1 does show up when I plug in the cable. O.MG-Firmware-2.5-230226.1\flash.py --- Available ports: --- 1: COM5 'Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge (COM5)' --- Enter port index or full name: COM5 <<< O.MG-CABLE-PROGRAMMER WAS FOUND ON COM5 >>> Available Options 1 FLASH NEW FIRMWARE (DEFAULT) 2 FACTORY RESET 3 FIRMWARE UPGRADE - BATCH MODE 4 FACTORY RESET - BATCH MODE 5 BACKUP CABLE 6 DOWNLOAD FIRMWARE UPDATES 7 EXIT FLASHER Select Option: 2 FACTORY RESET Connecting........_____....._____....._____....._____....._____....._____....._____ <<< FATAL ERROR: ERROR: A programmer is detected, but no cable seems plugged in. Please try unplugging and replugging the cable and/or programmer. Please also make sure only one programmer is connected. (Timed out waiting for packet header). PLEASE DISCONNECT AND RECONNECT CABLE AND START TASK AGAIN >>> PS C:\Users\admin\Downloads\>
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