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Everything posted by exeption

  1. Here is the funny part to me When logging on pineapple from which ever pc around though there seem to be nothing I can do to e.g. update certain things in wrt example: SSH There is an option to update certain packages under network if not mistaken, but how can I update this if there is now internet connection running on the pineapple? And further more It seems that when a client is shown connected in the list, the only way that computer would be able to get a internet connection is when I whiteliste the SSID, it status is blacklisted the computer does not gain access to the connected internett and the status sympol for wifi states " no internett" or " reducesed connection" What gives?
  2. Ok then back to work.. Have now read several articles on DHCP, ICS and bridging and so far I have some ideas and questions 1. The US version of the Jasager has only i WAN port - This mean that is a La Fonera 2100 right and not the La Fonera+ UK version with 1 WAN and 1 LAN port ??? So, basically when connecting a CAT5 cable from the LAN port on my laptop to the WAN port of the FON will not be working without any form of options to modify the WAN port into a LAN port right? My thoughts so far is this: Am I totally wrong when I think that in order to get this damn thing to work with my laptop I need to do the following things: 1. The laptop needs to be running DHCP or a virtual hub Example sudo brctl addbr vhub #This creates the virtual hub sudo brctl addif vhub eth0 #This connects eth0 to the virtual hub sudo brctl addif vhub wlan0 #This connects wlan0 to the virtual hub sudo ifconfig vhub up 2. I can use a dhcp client on my laptop so that all clients connected to the Jasager will get their IP and Internett connection from the DHCP IP pool set on my laptop that runs Wlan0 and connection to my Netgear AP So two ways to solve this issue right? Either way, The Jasager out of the box wil never be plug and play, is that the correct assumption?
  3. Login on to the Jasager does not require any form of Internet connection, the only thing you need is a power supply and a CAT5 cable (LAN) This cable should not be crossed. Are you using Linux or Windows? Anyway, I need to put your laptop or computer card into a static ip in order to connect via the CAT5 cable. Windows: Find your network card connection, right click and choose properties, choose then TCP/IP properties. Change it from automatic recieve to static by entering the e.g. as the ip address, then and as the default gate way. Linux: I think there the only thing you need to be doing is typing ifconfig eth0 up - Not all that familiar with Linux, but that line worked for me.. Hope this helps in anyway..
  4. is the OpenWRT is the Jasager There is no stupid questions, only stupid answers...
  5. http://www.scribd.com/doc/3222394/DHCP-Pro...and-Setup-Guide
  6. Here it is digininja OVERVIEW You see most laptops have network software that automatically connects to access points they remember. This convenient feature is what gets you online without effort when you turn on your computer at home, the office, coffeeshops or airports your frequent. Simply put when your computer turns on the wireless radio send out out beacons. These beacons say " Is such-and-such-wireless-network-around?" Jasager German for "The Yes Man" replies to these beacons and say "Sure, I'm such-and-such wireless-access-point -- let's get you online" Of course all of the Internet traffic flowing through the pineapple such as e-mail, instant messages and browser sessions are easily viewed or even modified by the pineapple holder. The WIFI Pineapple Version 2 is a specially crafted battery powered wireless hacking device based on the Atheros access point FEATURES HIGHLIGHTED - Web interface showing currently connected clients with their MAC addresses, IP adresses (if assigned)and the SSID they associated with. - The web interface allows control of all Karma features and can either run fully featured through AJAX enabled browsers or just as well though a text only browser (such as lynx) - Auto-run scripts on both association and IP-assignment - Full logging for later review - Basic command line interface so you don't have to remember the different iwpriv commands JASAGER BASICS Your WIFI Pineapple has been custom built with the latest version of Jasager. Future software updates can be found at http://www.digininja.org/jasager The Jasager support forum can be found at http://hak5.or/forums/index.php?showforum=49 Your WIFI pineapple is currently in the default configuration. It will asign addresses by LAN and WIFI using DHCP. By default the IP address is X-WRT, a web interface for OpenWRT, has been installed for your convenience. The X-WRT web interface can be found at The Jasager interface can be found at The Dropbear SSH deamon is running on standard ort 22 for advanced tinkering The default root passord is pineapplesareyummy For additional OpenWRT packages see: download.openwrt.org/kamikaze/8.09/atheros The SSID can be changed either in Webif or by modifying the /etc/config/wireless configuration files Jasager and the WIFI Pineapple are intended to be used as penetration testing tools as permitted Hak5, Darren Kitchen and Robin Wood are not accountable for your actions. Please use responsibly. A note about batteries: We found that fresh 2300mAh or higher batteries work best. While lower mAh batteries may light the LEDs the device may not boot. Rechargeables are recommended. Typical battery life with 2300 mAh = 2 hours. DEFAULT SETTINGS Wireless SSID: Pineapple Wireless Encryption: none Wireless IP address: Root password: pineapplesareyummy CONFIGURATION FILES /etc/config/wireless /etc/config/network SUPPORT Jasager support forums: hak5.org/forums Software Developer site: digininja.org/Jasager Wiki: wiki.hak5.org/wiki/Jasager Special request: shop@hak5.org That summes up the included manual that follows WIFI Pineapple Version 2 Written to forum by exeption. digininja ( Please feel free to move this to any other thread suitable for others to read )
  7. Nothing really digininja, I will now read your suggestion thread about ICS and take it from there. 1. Jasager is now put to blacklist..
  8. This I am not sure about, hopefully Digininja can answer this with more well described answers.. I might want to try and set if able the openwrt back to and your connected computer to then ping I am not sure how you can reset the openwrt if you are not able to connect to it, on other routers such as e.g Netgear you have a reset button. Purhaps flashing and the re-configure would help.. Anyway, I truly hope you get this working and that digininja can assist you further. Good luck
  9. I am sorry Digininja, I would deleted all the post just to make it more clear if I could. Ok The Jasager is running fine, no problem there and it is running 1. Pineapple v2 is connected to an laptop (HP ZE2000) with an LAN cable 2. Laptop has a Broadcom b43 wireless card with can do injection and internett connection 3. OS is Backtrack 4 When power is on and all lights are showing 1. goes to openwrt interface 2. goes to FON gui - Here the status is up and karma is set to on Now wicd shows that a wired connection is connected and pineapple is showing in the wifi list with 100% Ok so far so good? To confirm this working I went and fetched my Acer Aspire 7735ZG and connected to my neighbours open network AP, with his permission of course. 1. In the Fon Gui interface by the client mac is listed in the connected list Ok so it works, but here is the problem On the Acer now connected to the open network there is no active Internett, and this should be working 2. in Fon I executed the client SSID to the whitelist 3. I went back to the Acer and there it was, I was able to surf the internett. Ok, to see if I got this right, You need to whitelist every client that connects???? The connected Jasager need to share my wlan0 connection right, did I understand that correctly?
  10. Try setting your private AP to and your Jasager to Set then your computers Internet card to and your Internet sharing to Try then to ping and Keep in min that the openwrt is and Fon is If you get the ping running, you can login via the browser
  11. I know this thread is very messy, but please anyone?
  12. I think you are on the right track.. The idea is that two routers or AP does not be in conflict with each other, if both have the you see that they would argue right? Anyway, did you set your private ap router (the one connected to internet) to or was this via the Jasager interface under network? Have you checked that your AP and Jasager does not operate on ? If your computer has and your Jasager have the same, there will be turly a conflict I would imagine. Hope this help somehow..
  13. You need to set your lan card to a different IP than e.g or 254 This way when you ping you get response from the Jasager. To do this, go to networks adapter, right click and choos properties, then select TCP/IP and properties again. Set manually IP and netmask, default gateway should be hope that work and you will be able to ping the Jasager again.
  14. In the guide it states Have you done it a couple of times? Anyway, hope this work for you. Does anyone know how to do this in Backtrack 4? It seams that all those connecting is not getting any internett accsess.
  15. Ok, seems to working I think.. When doing ifconfig eth0 up I can ping and connect to the 1471 port But, when I then try to connect my wireless to my private AP It seem to be disconnect somehow and I need to run ifconfig eth0 up once again. I did see just before my self being added to the client list, but when I tried to press execute to add to the SSID list, then this message was put in the log file. class='warning'>There was a problem adding the SSID: no response text So my question are once again.. Is it correct that I need to connect to my private AP when connected to eth0 with Seem that I either can get the interface by connecting to the pineapple or though ethernet cable when eth0 is set o How does this work 1. First thing to do is to just be monitoring the Jasager via the eth0? 1. First thing to do is to connect to the pineapple with wlan0 and then monitoring? How to connected clients get there Internett access as normal, is the Jasager just picking up everyone that tries to connect their own AP and show this as client connected in the client list? Why did it have issues with me connected to my own wireless ap ? Please help me, I am dying to get this to work in an orderly fashion.. Regards exeption
  16. Just an update... Jasager is now working with the new US/Europe adapter. 1. ifconfig eth0 up ping works great Then, checked my wicd and finally there if was, listed on top with 88% "pineapple" Ok, then I went to disconnect my personal AP and tried on the brower ( Did not work) Ok then I went to try the (Did not work) Oh I thought, I need to connect to the pineapple wifi, and did of course Ok, then i did a in the browser and indeed there it was, the login page.. Ok logged into the menu, guess that was the Jasager menu.. Was not sure what to do here, but I changed the time zone to my home place Then. I logged out and went on to loggin into the through the brower And there it was, the Fon menu, base of operation.. Ok I thought, now I am up an running, just have to enable the karma and then sit and wait till someone logs on..... After a while it got boring, either something is not working or I am doing this all wrong. I went out and fetched my second laptop and did a power up to see if the Jasjager capture this laptop trying to log on the network. Nope, did not So I went to disconnect from my private AP and did a logon to "pineapple" by wifi, and sure enough, there is was listed under the client list. Ok I thought to my self, so the meaning is that this Jasager operate just like a normal access point, an open way for others to connect to in order to get free Internett e.g. But no i thought, as I did a browser open to my default page there was no Internett connection Question? Is this because I have not pressed the execute option in the client list next to the connected laptop? Will the client get the Internett access from my 1 laptop through Jasager when executed? I am not sure on how this work, that is not obvious right? LOL The Jasager is now connected through an LAN cable to my first laptop which again is connected to my pineapple (thou when righting on this forum I had to be connected to my private ap in order to get Internett access). I am looking at this all wrong or am I on the right track, perhaps there is a tutorial somewhere.. (Norwegian Vikings tend to be fast learners, just give them a weapon and see what happens ;) )
  17. Thank you very much for answering my questions 1. ifconfig up ok ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:c0:9f:b5:4f:fa inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B) Interrupt:18 Base address:0xa000 ping root@bt:~# ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.052 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.050 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.054 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.051 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.049 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=0.052 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=0.050 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=0.055 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=64 time=0.053 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=64 time=0.052 ms ^C --- ping statistics --- 10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 8999ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.049/0.051/0.055/0.009 ms Works great... For now it seems to be ok so far.. I leave this post on standby until I receive my US to Europe socket converter for my power adapter. There is no aktive light on the Jasager when the battery pack is connected, the moves me to believe it is not working as you perdicted. This I am not sure about, just bought the Wifi Pineapple v2 from Hak5 store.. Darren told me that is was pre-configured out of the box ready to be used. with battery pack included. Anyway, need now to wait a bit for the converter has arrived in my mailbox to test the Jasager on power supply. Ill be sure to offer a free pint or two if ever ending up near Sheffield, Appreciate any assist related to getting this Jasager to run on my BT4.
  18. I can add the following as well: Connect to the battery pack: Cannot see any pineapple or myplace in wicd Connected with a cable wget No network found ifconfig eth0 eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:c0:9f:b5:4f:fa UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B) Interrupt:18 Base address:0xa000 PS.. Don't know how to find the config file either, there seem to be in BT4 nothing on /etc/config/wireless /etc/config/network I have /etc/ but no config, wireless, network folder or files Please help me
  19. Dear all Just bought the Wifi Pineapple v2 from Hak5 Out of the boxs I connected to the battery pack included as I did not have and power adapter converter for USA to Europe. I connected again the batterypack, hooked up an RJ45 cable and booted up my laptop with Backtrack 4 As indicated in the instructions the pineapple should be allready configured and setup with latest firmware.. I first went and did ifup eh0 then ping RESULT: Nothing, cannot be reached. I also tried ping Nothing.. I am not sure what to do els, so I am relaying all my hope on a genius with in this forum to soulve my issues so that I can use my long awaited Jasager Ps. Should there be any light on the Jasjager to indicate a power on feature? NB I am running BT4 on Broadcom b43 driver - works great with injection and capture ( wlan0) Eth0 - not sure what it is or how to find out Regards exeption
  20. Will look into this, have read somthing about it and know for a fact that it scans 2000000 at about 3 hours and a dictionary scan will take about 6 hours. So wurth the try.. By the way, after 6 hours now, my scan is at 3,7 mill keys tested LOL
  21. Thank you, but seems to me there should be an easier way to gain access to a wpa-psk AP, how about collecting ARP packages and then use them to find the key? Any other ideas?
  22. exeption


    Short intro Got the handshake on a wpa-psk access point. Run Aircrack-ng -w PASSWORDLIST (780mb) -b BSSID sniff-01.cap Problem It has now gone for about 2.5 hours scanning passphrases without any success, Is this ever gonna work or do I need to do it another way? Catched this from the net and truly wonder if there could be some truth to it. I also have a 21GB large password list to be used, but I donĀ“t know if it is wurth running it as I may take a couple of days to scan through? Regards ExEptiOn
  23. Cheep way... <_< actually work funny enough..
  24. Very very nice, is this something that can be done in linux also, it worked great in windows 7, but I would truly like to use this in either back-track or ubuntu as well since I have everything els there?
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