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Posts posted by fsck

  1. I can't find it at the moment, but I vaguely remember an episode of Hak5 (either S5 or S6) where Darren showcased a python script that took information about a person and used that to generate huge possible password lists. Information such as birthday, name, favorite food, relatives named, etc.

    If you search through some old shownotes you should be able to find it.

  2. Best thing to do, is change your DNS to OpenDNS, sign up with their site(its free) and add your IP address, then set what filters you want. No software to install and you can set this in yoru router so its completely transparent and every pc will share the same features once you set them.

    I agree with this and highly recommend OpenDNS. I use it at home and it is great for filtering certain sites and as a bonus, OpenDNS is faster than my ISP's DNS servers.

  3. Most laptops come with broadcom chipsets. When purchasing a new laptop, I usually look for the best specs based on what I am going to be doing and then just replace the wireless card if I need. Not to mention most external cards have the option of attaching external antennas for more range/versatility.

    WlanParts is great for new wireless equipment. Ebay is great for used equipment. :)

  4. I haven't used kismet a lot.I only use the aircrack suite.

    With airodump-ng you can see the clients that are connected to the AP.

    I don't think kismet does that..correct me if i'm wrong.


    When you are in Kismet, if you select an AP and press 'c' you can see the clients connected to that AP:


    If the AP is not encrypted, or if you know the encryption key, you can also see the IP address of each client as well as the manufacturer of their wireless card and MAC address. Nifty stuff, for sure.

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