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  1. Well its a big rumour that the treyarch call of duty will be in vietnam or cold warfare like the guy above me said but i think it will be cold warfare because it could be made up with any side against any other as opposed to vietnam is us vs vietnam so i think cold warfare but i could be wrong they could do a future warfare or another game set in modern day
  2. I have looked at the Access Manager in the old environment, and did not see any SSO functionality being enabled. The old environment does not have a psconsole, so I was not able to check the settings over there. What bothers me, is that I do not know what kind of values should be stored in the sunPortalGatewayWWWAuthorization attribute. A basic http authentication string would look like this: Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
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