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red shadow

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Posts posted by red shadow

  1. Just to let u guys know, M4TT recently said this:

    Regarding COD 7.

    It is confirmed that the new game will be released in 2010. It wont be called, "Call of Duty 7" but that is the current title. Here are my thoughts.

    I think that the makers of the new COD7 will take the franchise into a whole new direction. WWII has been overplayed and ALL possible angles of that war have been exhausted. We have played against Nazi's and Jap's. We've played in Europe and the Pacific. We played as Americans and various european Alli's. We even fought Zombies.

    The Modern Warefare Series is not finished because I think it is unlikely they would release games of the series within a year of eachother.

    Finally this leads me to believe in one of three possibilities.

    1. WWI

    2. Korea War

    3. Vietnam War

    My take on this is that WWI may not be as fun because of the lack of technology (No automatic weapons). WWI does although have the chemical warefare aspect to it.

    The Korea War in my opinion has alot of potential considering it has the WWII feal to it but it has some new weapons. This war may be still to close to WWII to be considered new stuff. It would also have a great "cliffhanger" potential considering that the Korea War technically still isnt over.

    The Vietnam War has the most potential except for the fact that it has been the most controversal war to date. Whether or not that would help the game or not is up to the generation of potential buyers. This war includes some weapons from both WWII and Modern Warefare. It would be a "Ultimate Mash-up" Of the two genres. You could be running around with a M-16 and FlameThrower!

    I would Personally enjoy either Vietnam or Korea wars but we will find out soon. Won't we?

    Tell me what you would like to see or what you think will be the topic of the new game.

  2. Photoshop and Image Ready can both edit gif files. Also, I think Flash lets you export each frame of a gif as individual images, just have to select each frame then export the image per frame to edit them 1 at a time.

    With Image Ready, you can edit them in layers and open any gif file and see all the frames while Photoshop can create gifs from its layers (using the animation pallette), but doesnt open them frame by frame like Image Ready, it only shows you the first frame when opening preexisting gifs. If you select from the window menu in photoshop titled "animations" you get a new palette like that of Image Ready, whcih can turn any layered image into an animated gif and then "save for web" as an animated gif file. So Image Ready is easier to use to edit preexisting gifs, while photoshop is easier to create them from within photoshop and can use all the effects of photoshop, then save the animation as a gif.

    Thank you so much! I thought photoshop might work, but it's an animated gif, does that still work???

  3. Hey,

    I was using Pivot and I wanted to add some cool blood effects, but u can't do that in Pivot.

    So I finished it, made it a .GIF and then put it onto flash, that wouldn't let me edit it.

    So, I put it into windows movie maker, finished it, put it onto MAGIX movie maker, but, none of the files I could export it as worked on Flash!!! So, I was wondering, Does anyone know an animating software that can edit .GIF files???? Thanx!!!

    PS. I use Adobe flash CS4 and Magix Movie Maker Pro 15 download edition

  4. Well its a big rumour that the treyarch call of duty will be in vietnam or cold warfare like the guy above me said but i think it will be cold warfare because it could be made up with any side against any other as opposed to vietnam is us vs vietnam so i think cold warfare but i could be wrong they could do a future warfare or another game set in modern day

    No, Treyarch are the peeps who make the WWII/ Vietnam War. Infinity Ward makes the Modern Wars/Future Wars.

    Treyarch are just too used to making WWII games wth the shit guns for a modern day game.

  5. Steam just went down today AGAIN. why don't they really use their backup servers? This is so annoying!!!!! Well, I check today and i want to play some Shattered Horizon when suddenly it says: "Game temporarily unavalible" and then i try for everything else and same thing! STEAM NEEDS MORE BACKUP SERVERS or has to start using them.

  6. I found it kind of funny, if you do click on the link (for educational purposes) on my machine, it looks like the windows explorer screen. Now i know i don't have that on a mac, but still, i found it funny. As for Mr. JoannyDavis, i replied back to him saying he was an idiot for sending out spam and virus' and then i blocked him from messaging me again.

    Ya, I got the PM, but judging from wat i did last time (from razzorman) I clicked it, and nothing happened 2 my PC, but it scared me. So I didn't click on the link, and then I was glad because it contains a real virus! =)

  7. Is the CS:S server non-steam or steam? Please say non-steam...

    Srry man, but it's Steam.

    I think u can get the disc tho, I've never got the actual disc b4, I've only bought of the Steam store, so I don't no if u still need steam.

    Srry 4 the double post.

  8. Is the CS:S server non-steam or steam? Please say non-steam...

    Srry man, but it's Steam.

    I think u can get the disc tho, I've never got the actual disc b4, I've only bought of the Steam store, so I don't no if u still need steam.

  9. It's wasn't a port! They added mouse controls, text chat and graphic settings!!! :rolleyes: (If you don't know what that was from don't comment.)

    I agree, this game definately wasn't a port 4 PC. It has different gameplay on PC 2 Consoles. There were more things 2

  10. I lol's when people say "Some one hacked my *insert random game here* account". When it's really they are just dumb, and either one or more of the things Sparda said happened.

    I agree with u, U need 2 be more careful with ur account.

    And also, only 13 year-old kids play WoW now because they have nothing better 2 do with their lives.

  11. Does anyone know of any good free MMORPG's? I've gotten quite tired of runescape.

    There's Adventure Quest Worlds and Adventure Quest. Try them out and see if u like them

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