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Posts posted by Hochler

  1. Is there a reason why my pandora saver is downloading ALL songs (not just the thumbed up ones?)

    Enable Song Management, and make sure the "DL song when positively rated" and "DL if already positively rated" boxes are checked.

  2. Well, it does look like it's playing properly, though i can't check the log to be absolutely sure right now. If you take a capture of the SProxy main window, the sproxy log window, AND pandora (all at the same time and all visible) it'd be immensely helpful (conclusive sort of helpful)

    Here it is 3 songs in: http://imgur.com/kHkvh.png

    6 songs in: http://imgur.com/39XOt.png

    Lost count: http://imgur.com/xdqQy.png

    Just as I received the error: http://imgur.com/uddfS.png

    Oh, and it's not 7. I just recently installed it last night (I was using Vista before).

  3. Something's seriously wrong with the flash applet - it's requesting more than one song at once, before one finishes. It is not loading songs properly (evidently), so is trying all the playlist links. I know this as it does not seem to be requesting Album art. It's not pandora wising up, seeing as turbo still works fine here. Does pandora work fine in normal rip mode?

    Yea, normal mode is working fine for me, at least for the couple hours I run it for.

    Here's a video of my Pandora in turbo mode, if it helps: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xY-KpWsBDU0

  4. Stop using pandora for 30 minutes (close all flash players), and try again. This happens on prolonged turbo sessions i find, or otherwise when a lot of music requests are made.

    I guess my connection is to fast, because that happens after only a minute or two. Is there any fix? I'd love to just rip all my thumbed-up songs over one night.

  5. I'm getting this error after using Turbo mode for a couple minutes:


    Here's the log:

    8/11/2009 5:26:48 AM    Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getFragment': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?rid=5167698P&lid=13099742&method=getFragment&arg1=74414285556015838&arg2=348128375&arg3=1181146&arg4=&arg5=aacplus&arg6=0&arg7=0
    8/11/2009 5:26:48 AM    Pandora: Response contains no XML urlshttp://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v24?rid=5167698P&lid=13099742&method=getFragment&arg1=74414285556015838&arg2=348128375&arg3=1181146&arg4=&arg5=aacplus&arg6=0&arg7=0
    8/11/2009 5:26:48 AM    Pandora: Error while parsing XMLRPC:
    System.Exception: No audio data in XMLRPC fragment
       at Pandora.Pandora.readSongInfos(Session oSession, XmlDocument doc) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\Pandora\Pandora.cs:line 780
       at Pandora.Pandora.SniffMusic(Session oSession) in C:\Documents and Settings\zigzagjoe\Desktop\PS\Saver2\Pandora\Pandora.cs:line 405
    8/11/2009 5:26:48 AM    Pandora: The offending XML has been saved to C:\Users\Hochler\Downloads\Saver2Beta2\Temp\BAD_PANDORA_XML_GETFRAGMENT_6YhUO2MbHtM0CQ8R.XML
    8/11/2009 5:26:48 AM    Pandora: Disabled
    8/11/2009 5:26:48 AM    Pandora: Disabling Pandora due to excessive XML errors

    Here's the contents of BAD_PANDORA_XML_GETFRAGMENT_6YhUO2MbHtM0CQ8R.XML:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><methodResponse><fault><value><struct><member><name>faultString</name><value>com.savagebeast.radio.api.protocol.xmlrpc.RadioXmlRpcException:|1249983353651|PLAYLIST_END|Playlist end detected</value></member><member><name>faultCode</name><value><int>1</int></value></member></struct></value></fault></methodResponse>

    I'm using the most recent version (as of August 10th 2009).

    Any help? Thanks.

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