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Posts posted by brianzimm

  1. When I was looking to buy a new router from Ubiquiti, I looked at the Unifi Router and the EdgeMax Router. I went with the EdgeMax Pro https://www.ubnt.com/edgemax/edgerouter-pro/

    The Unifi Router is a bit more friendly for Home / Small Business users (Point and click user interface). The EdgeMax routers do give you the GUI option but you also have access to cisco like command line interface. I do know that you can upgrade to 8GB of RAM for the EdgeMax Pro.


    Data Sheets



  2. I know Darren uses dreamhost.com for hosting his personal domain and I think he uses VPS from them too.

    I personal use virtual machines from my own co-located server and also use VPS from Microsoft Azure (I have $150 credit per month from MSDN/Visual studio sub) (Sorta free virtual machine)

  3. I would recomend:

    dyndns.org good service

    zoneedit not free any more :-(

    domain.com would only recomend for basic zone entrys.

    dns.he.net, you get 50 zones for free. It is currently in beta. See below.

    The Open Beta has been expanded and now includes our IPv6 certification or tunnelbroker account holders, Colocation customers and those with Transit services from us.

    • Dualstack: Supports queries via both IPv4 and native IPv6.
    • Support for A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, TXT, SRV, SSHFP, SPF, RP, NAPTR, HINFO, LOC and PTR records.
    • Smart mode IPv4 and IPv6 reverse zones simplifies reverse zones.
    • Slave support
    • Multiple reverse zone formats: Standard, RFC 4183, RFC 2317, DeGroot.
    • Geographically diverse servers.
    • Sanity checking for delegation for both forward and reverse zones.
    • Basic syntax checking for fields.
    • Multiple domains per account.
  4. Look here http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc722461.aspx

    Also logon script I use.

    @echo off
    net use x: \\server-name-here\users\%USERNAME%
    net use y: \\server-name-here\NetworkShare
    whoami /groups | find "domain-name-here\Domain Admins"
    if errorlevel 1 goto :not-found
    echo Admin
    net use z: \\server-name-here\d$
    net use i: \\server-name-here\c$\Inetpub\wwwroot
    net use u: \\server-name-here\users
    goto :end
    echo Not Admin

  5. On the 3g page add the code below to it and try to connect.

    *1199:0301*) echo "Sierra 250U detected. Attempting mode switch"
    uci delete network.wan2
    uci set network.wan2=interface
    uci set network.wan2.ifname=ppp0
    uci set network.wan2.proto=3g
    uci set network.wan2.service=cdma
    uci set network.wan2.device=/dev/ttyUSB0
    uci set network.wan2.username=internet
    uci set network.wan2.password=internet
    uci set network.wan2.defaultroute=1
    uci set network.wan2.ppp_redial=persist
    uci set network.wan2.peerdns=0
    uci set network.wan2.dns=
    uci set network.wan2.keepalive=1
    uci set network.wan2.pppd_options=debug
    uci set network.wan2.pppd_options=noauth
    uci commit network
    usb_modeswitch -v 1199 -p 0301
    sleep 10; rmmod usbserial
    sleep 3; insmod usbserial vendor=0x1199 product=0x0301
    sleep 5; /etc/init.d/firewall disable; /etc/init.d/firewall stop
    logger "3G: firewall stopped"
    iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o 3g-wan2 -j MASQUERADE
    iptables -A FORWARD -s -o 3g-wan2 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A FORWARD -d -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -i 3g-wan2 -j ACCEPT

  6. This is what I would do.

    Install SNMP on every pc.

    If the server is running windows server then install PRTG http://www.paessler.com/prtg . (Free version 10 to 30 sensors) And configure prtg to get the snmp traffic from each pc. Also you can run custom reports.

    If the server is running linux you could use (one listed here http://en.wikipedia....itoring_systems ). Have not needed to do network monitoring on linux so don't know a suggestion for it.

    Hope this gives you an idea.

  7. I am making a 2nd hak5 minecraft server.

    It is set for survival on normal.

    I have left it open for any one that has the address to join.

    If you would like to help admin the minecraft server PM me. :rolleyes:

    Server IP: vps.bz0.org

    Dynmap: http://vps.bz0.org:8123/

    Google MAP: http://vps.bz0.org/hak5/world/

    Report Greifers here


    Any Problems or errors PM me on brianzimm @ Hak5 Forums.

    If no one is using the 1st minecraft server, I may redo that one and make it creative only.

  8. I use cron for the ddns module.

    I know during the Mk4 2.1 beta cron had to be restarted manually to get new jobs to run. (This is fixed now in Mk4 2.1 final)

    Not to say you did not but did you wait for 5min (10min)? (I think your 5min job will be scheduled with the cleanup and ssh-keepalive)

    Other than that, no clue what it is doing.

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