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Posts posted by Arsenic

  1. The US Gov does have destruction methods in writing that are to be followed to the T. If it cant be properly destroyed on site, stuff can be sent to the NSA for propper destruction.

    My personal favorite way to destroy CD's is the lay them shiny side up on asfault and step on and grind it around, that was the film is shreded in to ity bity peices, then I'll either shred or snap the plastic by bending.


  2. A very simple way would be to introduce a sign-out/sign-in policy coupled with a 5 year jail term if you fail to sign-in any data you removed. Couple that with disk encryption and red/green system separation for sensitive data and you have it sorted. I honestly don't know why things like terminal services and smart cards aren't used more as your MP could have access to everything they need while at home via a rdp session.

    But the most important thing to get established is if you loose the data, for what ever reason, there is a good chance you will go to jail because of it. If that is drilled into people then things will improve.

    For the most part, that is exactly the type of policy seen on the classified side of the DOD/GOV sectors. And it is pretty well known that you don't fuck around when it comes to classified shit. Most of the people who have access/clearance are pretty aware of how important that is, but when you work around it all day everyday (depending on the environment), you get more relaxed around it. That is probably how this incident occurred.

    I still have a hard time imagining why it wasn't noticed when changing from uniform/work-clothes to club clothes...

  3. I blame the users...I do. It may sound like a cop-out but the policies are in place and training is offered to prevent incidents like these but still they happen. With everything in place there are only two reasons why this kind of thing still happens.

    1: It happened because somebody was being paid to do it. (Selling Secrets)

    2: All Advice, Training, and Policies were ignored. (Due to lack of convenience or understanding)

    With technology becoming so prominent in today’s society, it’s important to have an understanding of how it works. It's should no longer be acceptable for a person to say that they are "computer illiterate" or "Computer retarded". Anyone who says such should not be able to touch a fucking computer, at least not in a business, and especially not in the DOD/GOV.

    Information Science or basic understanding of Information Systems should be taught in high school, in college or at least prior to working for the government.

  4. I remember I was looking through the forums on rev3 and somebody mentioned that "Hak5 was coming along." And that is how I stumbled upon this show. Somewhere around 1x05-1x08 Don't remember.

    Hmm, and now they're on rev3... right back where I started.

  5. There are thousands of 'undiscovered' species and life forms in the deeps of the oceans.

    That thing doesn't look 'sea worthy'. It looks like it walks more than swims....Although the hands look underdeveloped, maybe it hadn't even been born...

  6. There are too many people trying to get into the spotlight. I think that is why there is so much crap. A lot of the idea's are not bad really, they just aren't developed enough to base a weekly show on. If you want to produce a reoccurring show, there needs to be new, changing content. I think there is more potential in movie/documentary like shows. Something that you could take a small idea, and instead of stringing you along for 5min every week, lay it all out there in a 1 hour to 1-1/2 hour show. Problem with that is there is no reoccurring "star".

    Off and on I read this comic, Ctrl-Alt-Del, and a while back the writer started animating it. I was all sorts of in, but when the episodes came out, I felt like I much rather would have just read a 4-6 cell strip. The entire 3 minutes of show had only 30 seconds (maybe) of content. It was all opening and closing credits.

    Back on track though, I watch Diggnation and TRS. I really enjoyed Ctrl-Alt-Chicken. Tekzilla and Systm are relatively interesting, and theBroken was great for it's time. The rest, I really could do without. Although Web drifter is entertaining when it comes around.

    I would like to see Rev3 go back to their old layout, keep things simple and drop the little shows and make more long form shows. Do their weekly stuff, but throw in a long informative film/documentary every now and then.

    IPTV has really changed in just a few years, from my point of view at least. I remember watching thebroken and looking at it as the real life "hack the planet". To me, it has lost it's edge.

  7. Your gonna have to drop the games at least for the most part.

    You have to WANT to learn. Without motivation or a desire to better yourself it is very hard to sit down and learn something. You are going to have be able to realize that you are in a rut and understand that only you can get yourself out. YOU have to make things happen. Identify your problem, and figure out a way around it.

    From what you were saying it seems like video games seem to be your current road block. If you have a problem choosing to play vs. something else, you need to make something else seem more appealing. Set up 'road blocks'. Your plan of getting rid of windows to keep you away is good. Do it. Then when you sit down, you can either A: reload windows, install drivers, install the game, and play. Or B: Cruise forums, watch some Hak5 and get excited about an idea and try it out.

    I was just getting into computers when TheBroken came out, and I saw them scanning wireless AP's and 'hacking' (I know...), and 'social engineering' to get 'free' pizza (again, I know...) but it got me excited. I started playing with wireless cards, and reading about social engineering. I stumbled across forums like learntohack.org and a tech community forum that I liked called lineman.net (now allyourtech.com) and with that IPTV shows and things I saw one the forums became my motivation to learn more.

    The way I do things is I try to learn as much as I can about everything I do or come across throughout my day. I get bored and distracted easily and have hard time sticking with one thing for a very long time. So everything I do, I make into a learning process, I avoid taking easy routes and try to learn anything I can about what I'm doing and anything associated with it.

    So there is my experience's. But ultimately, you are going to have to help yourself.

  8. So I have a LAN admin type question. I am responsible for 90 computers and their ability to keep the organization running, but we are mobile so we typically piggy-back onto someone elses network. I have to find ways to run a network with limited access,but because of the red tape and ignorance of the people running the network I may or may not be able to use their resources for this. So without installing a server os, or attatching a NAS, how can I share a portion of hard disk out to up to 90 users at a single time? OS that I have to work with is win2k, and these computers are in a domain enviornment and I have local admin rights, I just don't run the servers.

  9.           So, I come home after work, and I boot up all my computers.  I'm gonna be out of town this weekend and I wanted to install NSTX on my server/test box.  I  vnc into it  and go to put some food in the oven...come back less than a minute later..and a command prompt is open.  I look at my room mate like "WTF? did you do this?"  I look closer.... don't remember the command exactly, but it was downloading a file "RPCALL.exe" from some FTP through the cmd prompt.  Unfamiliar with it I watch, and wonder..."is this something I have installed doing something?" ....Nope, the courser starts moving and they exit the command prompt.  And now...I knew what was happening.  "No fucking way" I think to myself as I shut the computer down. Run and flip the power off on it. Then I  Securely log into my router close ports, disable remote management, and change passwords... Fucking shit man....

            So I know exactly why this all happened....and it's completely my fault and I knew it was possible...I just cut corners.  Some corners were cut due to lazyness, some due to lack of knowing how to do it right, and others were circumstantial. 

              My server is just a box of collected parts, I used to have a monitor, but then I moved...I used a friends monitor to install remote management software on it...originally RAdmin, then vnc, and then I toyed with Remote desktop just to see how it was.  At first, everything was just done locally, and my room-mate at the time was an idiot and I wasn't worried about him sniffing my packets.  So, I didn't use secure passwords, I didn't use any secure protocols like SSL or SSH, and I didn't even have a firewall.  That one was circumstantial, everytime you install a firewall remotely, it's starts off by closing everything....including your remote session.  So, no firewall, no monitor.  Then I decided I wanted to start learning how to setup a webserver....so I get appache, mysql, and php going....I get a dyndns domain, port forward and wow...this is cool.  Then I started and FTP....port forwared again, more cool.  Then I port forwarded vnc....and...again, simple passwords, and no secure tunneling.  I'm pretty sure I had patched up...but this computer has been in a closet for a month or two...

              Anyway, I broke all the cardinal rules.  and got my ass kicked, right in front of my eyes...I mostly regret, the simple passwords, and not learning how to tunnel everything in from the outside.  Then I probably would have been ok.  oh well.

    I have my router logs and can probably deduce whom the IP belonged to.  Don't think I much care though.


    Are cmd prompts logged anywhere?

    EDIT:    Should I even try to report, or attempt to contact this guy?  Or I just cut my losses, take everything offline, scan/clean them, and change all of my passwords?

  10. That's awesome, it looks like the shelf at the bookstore.  I'm cheap, I'll see a book, want it...then decide that I could probably find the information on the internet (which is free) and decide not to buy it.  But I'm really happy with my last purchase, the telecommunications book, it took a lot of things I already understood, and put it together to form the big picture.  Also, the dummies books are pretty good to, when your starting out, it's good to get the gist of things before you get into the nitty gritty of something.

  11. Along with a handfull of PDF's, and IPTV shows, my biggest resource of info is the almighty internet.  But sometimes you just have to get the real deal...

    What ACTUAL books do you have on your bookshelf?

    My bookshelf.


    LINUX...FOR DUMMIES (8th ed.)


    Not very impressive, but just wondering what some of you guys have.


  12. A common question that the "computer guy" gets asked is "How do I make my computer faster?"  Typically I tell them that short of adding some possibly needed ram, and upgrading other hardware I can't make it any faster, but that I can make it run like it's supposed to (Assuming that is probably bogged down by tons of crap).  Then I either give them some instructions on how to do it themselves or just get duped into doing it for them.  Anyway, I wanted to compare software, and tactics with other people on how they usually clean a system out.

    I usually uninstall unused or unnecessary programs, change the startup programs through msconfig in a similar fashion.  Install firefox and hide the IE icon (JK, but I do recommend FF over IE to them).  Then I Use spybot, and ccleaner, virus-scan (I can't seem to stick with anything in particular for AV), and then I check to see if a defrag is necessary.

    -If they have huge AV suites, I recommend some lighter weight options.

    -I used to use Ad-aware, but it always just seemed to get rid of cookies which I think ccleaner does as well.

    -I also remove old profiles.

  13. I knew it was coming...but I saw a commercial the other day, and I can't believe they are actually doing it...

    I'm not an RFID nut, but theoretically can't you record the signal that a chip gives off and have all the data needed to reproduce a point of sale transaction?.... what are they doing to secure this?  It's ridiculous...

  14. I would hope that before fire becomes an issue the solder points for the power would disconnect.

    All these stories of fans and nasty ending's reminds me of a computer I opened back when I worked for my friendly neighborhood PC repair shop...It was an old P-III Dell, back when they still used beige cases...well...the inside was more of a brown...I had never seen anything like this before, but I bet the inside of his lungs were even worse...he was a pretty heavy smoker. Absolutely discusting. :zombie:

    Edit: His/He = The owner, not the computer.  heh, a computer with a nicotine addiction.

  15. The plastic was probably brittle from the heat of the PSU over time. I imagine the vibrating was probably caused by one of the blades lodged in there somehow.

    I once had a PSU go on me. One of the inner parts of the board burned out. Smelled like burning flesh, and the PC shut off. Fried the whole damn thing. Big black burn streak across the cirbuit board.

    Oooh, that hurts, must have been a sad sad day....

    From the sounds of it, I bet a blade began to fall off, but got caught and seized the fan up, allowing the plastic to heat up even more and become weak/brittle, then when he shut it all the way off and turned it back on the fan was able to spin a little bit and snapped the blades off when power was applied. And the vibration was probably the unbalanced fan.

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