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  1. Hey! Xellos fix?? UnMasters fix, if you please! Infringement! /uMan Heh. It can be confusing with all the quoting I suppose. I am running Pandora's Jar 7.2 and this never happened before Pandora updated the mini client. However, this isn't happening all the time. It happened a few times after I updated the link to the new mini-client but not every time. The reason I posted my reply was because the first 3 or 4 times I tried ripping it gave me that message. Though it has worked for me most of the times since then. I think I will try this 7.3 that MrDave just posted. Though it doesn't appear to have changed anything that would affect that. Xellos
  2. Well this fixes it's appearance very nicely, but when I try to rip a song I get this error in the Pandoras Jar log window. unable to rip MP3 unable to find file make sure you have Pandora running in a FIRFOX browser And, yes, I am running it in the most recent Firefox.
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