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Everything posted by Artoo

  1. Yeah, but the official batteries are of the same low capacity, I'm looking at online shops, but not the kind of guy that sells his things online... I rather drive to a shop and buy it there...
  2. Artoo


    Oké, my wireless card works now because he ca see the local network in range... but now i have the problem that wpa supplicant doesn't run (it crashes always) and so I can't use any encryption, which I need to get onto my WEP encrypted network, I know it's WEP instead of WPA, but if I want to connect using the WLAN assistant, it tries to connect but it failes... don't know why I filled everything (what their was to fill in) correctly... Does somebody know how to fix this.. mb Darren who has tested Backtrack on the Eee PC (701). Pz'
  3. Yeah the 1000H looks cool, if would go for that one too. but I have my 701 here, and it works, but that damn battery life... is killing me! BTW: can i make my own battery pack???
  4. Artoo


    When i boot BT3 from a live usb, it asks me for the drivers for my wireless en and ethernet... i get a list with a lot of drivers to choose from.. which should i chose?? Madwifi??
  5. I have a EEEPC 701, it was the first model here in Belgium so, yeah i love it, it's small, good and fast enough for the things I want it to do ^^
  6. I think one of the newer Eee PC, with a 1.6 GHz are pretty good (same as Acer), so yeah check them, compare their specs en look at the prices of course...
  7. I think that minimum is for the installation of Xp, don't now if you can compare it with a live version ... :s btw: is it possible that it can ruin your computer?? mess with your HD?? edit : I looked it up (again on Google :)) and i found sone threads about also some kind of USB version of Vista, but it messed with the guy his computer... he could't boot his standard Vista, so yeah it messes with your files. I'm not gonna try, because I don't wonna be screwing around to install XP again on my eee PC (btw: i'm "busy" wth my exams... :P).
  8. Yeah, well me too, you know, a normal install of Vista is a few gigs, so yeah... downloading the last part now, who knows... I'll post my findings here ;)
  9. Oke, i'm gonna test it so, we will see... :) I have a 701 version... but if they omitted a lot (filesize) it runs mb...
  10. Yo guys, I'm new here I found something on google :P, when I was searching for a USB LIVE distro for my eee PC.. http://hotfilms.org/softwares/windows-vist...b-cd-83893.html This is what I found, i'm donwloading it now, i'm not sure if it will work if you look at the size, mb one of you guys already tested it.... Pz'
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