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Posts posted by gameman733

  1. moonlit told me about it. He was on msn one day and had his name edited to something like if its important, im in the chat room or something to that effect. I asked him what he was referring to, and.. well... basically you guys get to blame him for me :D

  2. :D

    i really know that , you said this because you are babies in hackers .

    dont worry search other low security web site to hack them . loool :D

    wow, how we all missed your reply baffles me, but ill reply.

    lets see, "babies in hackers." n00bish hackers i assume is what you mean. you know, your such the EXPERT hacker, why dont YOU explain the whole "both these sites are pointing at the same ip, but the are different sites" thing. Anyone with half a brain can make the same connection I did. By the way, your using a proxy to access this site right? I'm SURE the site owners have logs full of your ip (not that i think it would be hard to track down).

    btw, (still giving you a huge benefit of the doubt here), hacking websites is so important to you because...? you can do it? ok, you "did" it. go learn something else to do. like Sparda said, "A actual hacker would take the Linux kernel and rewrite it so that it detects new hardware in real time properly, they would then give the Linux kernel the same (or better) hardware support that windows does now." THAT would make you more popular than some (crappy i might add) website defacement

  3. im lazy, the default SSID was "default", add an "not" in front and you get "notdefault" my wifi network name. Was protected with wep and a MAC whitelist. My awesome WEP passkey? "mywirelessnet" :D (yes i feel comfortable putting my WEP key out on the net because none of you know where i live :D)

  4. I have done similar things at my school (found vulnerbilitys in the network, etc.). Fortunately, it seemed that as long as you worked with the computer teachers on fixing the problem, you never found yourself in any trouble. Either that or my teachers liked me or something... *shrug*. Anyway, i feel bad for the guy. I understand that companys HAVE to do what they can, they just shouldnt be blaming anyone.

  5. http://www.imparimarte.dk/


    if you are real hacker please hack my web sites baby : www.mostakela.com www.ye22.com

    well, after some quick research, turns out that both of those sites you hacked share the same ip... meaning they are on the same webserver. But your a real hacker right? so lets give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are hosted by company who shares servers. Makes sense right? lets look at something else

    ~ $ nslookup (ip address hidden for privacy)

    Server: (privacy)

    Address: (privacy)#53

    Non-authoritative answer:

    (privacy).in-addr.arpa name = port364.ds1-soeb.adsl.cybercity.dk.

    Big professional hosting company hosting on..... adsl....

    heres my theory, this guy wants us to try to hack some sites he doesnt like for whatever reason. Next time you try that, i would suggest doing some homework before hand on how to make things look convincing.

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