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Posts posted by gameman733

  1. ive used vmware workstation in the past, setup a ipcop VM with 2 nics, 1 connected to bridge, and 1 connected to virtual lan, and put 2 or 3 vm's on the vlan. From there, you could set ipcop up so that it doesnt communicate with the normal lan, but i dunno how to do that right off hand.

  2. If I understand http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml correctly we'll have to connect to it via Tor, 'cause it's a hidden service:
    Banned: Tor access to freenode is via a hidden service (mejokbp2brhw4omd.onion). Please see URL freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml for more info. Thanks!

    Yeah, but we can still turn it off in the channel. I don't see the problem with leaving it open until we have people start abusing it, but ill leave that decision up to an op.

  3. I wouldnt mind learning my way around BBS for hak.5. just give me a holler and ill start trying to figure stuff out (dunno how long it would take me to get caught back up though).

    Wiki: I was thinking recently that the wiki has been MUCH improved. WTG to EVERYONE involved.

    noob server: i dont mind the name :). and yes, moonlit is GOOD cannon fodder :P

    the hakcam and editcam: I really like the idea, it adds to the interactiveness to hak.5 :).

    webchat: ive noticed that anappaday and BSoD use jirc, its not so horrible. Theres also cgi-irc but..... *runs and hides*

    hak5radio: so were legit? i wasnt a big fan of the radio (thats just me though, plz dont take offense), but thats awesome!

  4. I personally highly doubt anything criminal will happen to him. This is just another case of "your in a position of authority, you can go free." As far as what should happen, its been summed up. Take his behind to jail, and let him sit there a few years. THEN he can get help if he thinks he still needs it.

    As far as the Fox-Democrat/Republican thing, this is just another reason why I think political partys are stupid.

    Side note: has anyone seen the chat logs? someone told me the url (which i wil not post here, use google). they are VERY disturbing.

  5. It would be good for social engineering.

    btw, if that hex is at the beginning the disk (not the partition), thats not where the bit is (assuming my pendrive works).

    something i did find however, on the diskprobe program that maxdamage mentioned, there is a "media flag" option under fat and ntfs boot sectors. Its really odd though, hard drives are B(something, i dont remember, at school atm) and my pendrive is set to F9 (again, i think). Setting it to whatever the Hard drives are just throws FAT out of format, and gets reset during a format.

  6. Ok, so does NTFS hold the magic touch or what? It didnt seem to change much on my jumpdrive. Another note worth pointing out, are we editing the first byte of the partition or the first byte of the disk itself

    MaxDamage: just an idea, but put a hex dump of the first sector up so that we can compare whats different?

  7. in theory, you could use dd in linux to take out the first byte, hex edit it as needed, and dd it back in. I found these docs on MS's website after the U3 thing hit, but I was under the assumption that it was operating in firmware, and needed a usb firmware flash or something. VERY good catch maxdamage. Ill try this on my lexmark jump drive (256mb) when i get a chance (work tonight and have a project to wrap up for school)

    in the meantime, i just found my mp3 player ;) completely unrelated.

  8. I voted come down in price, i paid $550 back in november for my lappy, compaq V2402US, sempron 2800+, 256, cd-rw+dvdrom, wired but no wireless. Those specs are lower than mine and used to boot.

  9. I got in fien finally found a good server here in Nroth America I wasn't even using a dl manager. Anywho now when I load up the game and go to search for a multiplayer server it gives me an error and when I try to setup my own game it boots me out and tells me cannot locate server. Not sure whats up with that.

    i had that problem, but im not sure how i fixed it. If you have peer guardian, turn it off. it blocks gamespy's servers and perfectly explained the empty server list issue to me. Getting booted out of your own game may also be fixed by peerguardian, or you can try putting in your CD-key in the options or in the edit profile.

  10. Windows can be a perfectly fine OS for a server, i would just be weary of using services (at least their default settings). Apache for example, is set to run as System (check the wiki for the apache + junction hack). I personally run debian on my home server and use port forwarding for just about everything. if you REALLY want a slick setup, i would say ditch the generic router and use ipcop (use it for the gateway if nothing else, you can uplink routers together). Ipcop filters port forwarded traffic for possible exploits (via an IDS and snort). Anyway, those are my suggestions

  11. Dr Zaius: apache is what gives you the full admin access, not junction. Apache is setup to run as local system by default, but is secure enough to only be able to get files from the doc root. Junction is used to make a link outside of the doc root. Junction only makes the link in the file system. If you were to just use explorer to go through a junction, you would still have your same privs.

  12. Regarding legalities: i dont see this attack much different than the gaining system privs through renaming service .exe's, the only difference is that your targetting apache (and you still have to be able to be on the computer in the first place)

    regarding admin privs for junction: no, i ran junction as a user, you just need write permissions for the folder you choose to use.

    subst? ill have to look that one up

    btw, if mods feel that this is a bit on the black side, feel free to delete it. I personally dont see a problem with it (security focus has been mentioned before).

    edit: hmm, nice catch darren. Unfortunately i know enough dos to get me by so i never knew anything about that command :P. Junction is similar, as far as i can tell, just a filesystem tool (as compared to subst probebly being part of the OS)

  13. New fun hack i thought of, I dunno if its been done before, but heres my take on it.

    Background Information

    Apache is a webserver (I'm sure most of you know at least most of this, but I want to bring everyone up to speed before i start on the hack itself). Its open source and is typically run on linux, although there is a windows build. The windows build can be run as a service, under the System account by default.

    Junction is a small program made by Mark Russinovich, of Sysinternals. NTFS has this small little feature called junctions, and they basically work like a link in linux. You can make a directory link to another directory on the file system.

    The hack

    So what can we do with all this? well, if you can get physical access to the machine (a desktop at least and a way to upload files), and have write access to any directory apache reads from, you can gain full control over the computer. Heres how,

    1. find the directories apache is reading from. Apache can read from your home directories (if its set, which it was in the case at my school) so make sure you try that ( http://localhost/~username/ ). If you can find one you can write to, your set, otherwise, you cant do much of anything.The easiest place to check is the conf (assuming default permissions)

    2. get junction from Sysinternal's website. Its a command prompt program, so you will either need cmd or you can make a small VB app to run it (if its a server, im guessing there are going to be some restrictions on it.). if you can use cmd, go to your directory where junction is, and type in

    junction.exe C:pathtowritabledirectorynewdir C:

    . What that will do is make it so that when you go to C:pathtowritabledirectorynewdir, it shows whats in your C: drive.

    3. Thats pretty much the basics, you have full read/write access to C:. If php is installed, you can grab a small php script from somewhere (i dont know of any right off hand) and use it as a file browser, or make your own httpd.conf changes (using php again), or custom web pages or whatever.

    WARNING: I take NO responsibility for this hack. YOU AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!

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