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Everything posted by jmaxxz

  1. I am not skilled enough to do that, but thanks guys. I have come to the conclusion now that like you say if I want it to play nice I would have to write my own but since that is above my skill set I will just let it alone and keep hacking it with each new version of the dll.
  2. Yes, that is more or less how I got the function pointer in the first place. But because this DLL changes in win 7 i am trying to see if I can come up with a better way of doing this. But I am not sure if it is possible
  3. The function I am calling does not appear in the msdn description of the dll, or in dll export viewer ( http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/dll_export_viewer.html ). I know how to call functions by name, but this one i can not find by name and I am forced to call it by entry point. And this calling it by entry point makes me very vulnerable to changes in the dll.
  4. Works like a charm! var pw_field = document.getElementById('pw_field_id') var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); var pw_field; for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { if (inputs[i].type == 'password') { pw_field = inputs[i]; pw_field.setAttribute('maxlength', 127); } } Thanks again!
  5. Yes that would work if it was an exported function....but alas it is not :(
  6. Ok thanks, I will give that a shot. I remember trying something similar before butI prolly just screwed up the attribute name. THANKS :)
  7. I have a program I wrote that randomly fades aero (vista) from one color to another. However I am calling a function in the dwapi that is not exported. Is there any programs out there that will help me re-find this function when MS updates this dll and thus changes the entry point of this function. Or is there a better way to access the function, as I would like to make sure this program will work when win 7 arrives, or at least decrease the amount of time I will have to spend searching for the functions entry point, so I can more quickly handle any changes to the dll made by MS.
  8. I want to make a greasemonkey script to auto magical increase the length of a password field. The site in question has a log form that ties into an active directory server, so passwords can be up to 127 chars in length. However this site has the password field limited to 32chars. (which is too small for my password, so I have been Manuel modifying the html each time I visit this site.) How via javascript would I go about changing the length limit of a password field? Thanks in advanced!
  9. any ideas on how to make this work with XP too?
  10. I am sure many of you like myself have very long WPA keys. Hooking up other people with access to your wireless network can be a bit of a hassle. Or how about when you get enlisted by your non-techy friends to set up a secure wireless network? This is a slight problem because after you set that 63char key and putting in a text file for them with a readme explaining how they would go about setting up a new computer to access the network can be a bit difficult. And then you get the call 4 weeks later because they can not figure out how to type out that password. (yeah they seem to not know about copy and paste) There has to be a more friendly way to do this right? Yes there is, but in windows out of the box you can only do it with flash drives and it is all a bit tricky. You don't want to have a flash drive with your key sitting around, and locking up a flash drive that is only 0.00001% used up just seems like a waste. So for the Vista users out there I have whipped together a couple windows batch scripts and an autorun.inf file to make your life easy. The batch scripts use the fun that is netsh wlan . Download the zip Extract the files run wireless_export type the name of the wireless network configuration you are exporting burn all files to disc ta-da now you have a cd that will auto configure a vista machine for a WIFI network on insertion you can get the zip from my site: here
  11. Here is more detailed look at what I did (but not that detailed) http://jmaxxz.com/index.php?option=com_con...ticle&id=57
  12. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I can tell the FON does not store info about networks you sniffed. The FON does not even know you are sniffing, it just thinks it is handing an internet connect out to people.
  13. I put the extra antenna on today, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprise with how much it helped. I get 4-5 times the range. And my signal strength at point blank range has also seen a nice increase! Here are some pictures from my endeavor. Sorry I forgot to take a picture of the soldering job.
  14. I would be keeping the orginal antenna where it is and just soldering my new one into the free slot. I was talking with one of my electrical engineering friends and he figures it can hurt. I also did some research into MIMO (mixed input mixed output) and it seems more antenna's are a good thing so I think I will give it a shot.
  15. I opened up my FON the other day and noticed it had a solder point for another antenna. and I have another antenna sitting around from a bricked netgear mr814 bg router. Is there any advantage to soldering in this 2nd antenna?
  16. I have hostapd-mini installed on my fon so it can do wpa2, has anyone figured out how to have both secure sconnection for personal use, and an unsecure one for jasager?
  17. Why is this not good for aggravating connections to your jasager? If you go into a cafe where everyone is already connected jasager will not work unless you can get them off the network they are currently on
  18. yes what we need it a nice little deauth broadcast button in jasager that allows you to specify how long the deauths should be broadcast for. deauth for 10sec.....now everyone is searching for a new connection and your it.
  19. Favorite OS: Vista/Gentoo Favorite console: PC Nationality: United States Accent: American Age: 1337 Race: none Build: 6.0.6001 or 2.6.* Car: none Occupation: Software Engineer
  20. Very similar to how I did it. I found I had to disable dhcp on the lan of the fon.
  21. I forgot to disable LAN/WAN switching in the bios. After I did that I can connect to 2 networks at once. Now just to set it up so my connection to internet is shared with the fon
  22. Karma is not messing with my connection, my laptop is just refusing to let me connect on both network adapters at the same time. right now if I have a network cable plugged in I can't even check scan for wireless networks. It should be noted I am running vista.
  23. I just put jasager on my fon and I have been trying to connect my laptop to the fon with a cable and share my internet connection with it (Which I am trying to get from my other WAP) in order to place myself in the middle of any traffic. The problem I am having is my computer is refusing to let me connect to the FON and my WAP at the same time. If I plug in a network cable I can no longer connect to any wireless networks. I am using hp 8510w laptop. Is there anything I can do to make this setup work? Or do I need to find myself another laptop?
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