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Posts posted by dark_pyrro

  1. The ways you mention are the best ways. Either official customer support (not community support) or using the email that order information was sent out from Hak5. The few times I have needed to ask something about an order, I've just replied back on the order email from Hak5 and almost gotten instant response. One thing to remember is that Hak5 isn't Ford or Sony, it's a small number of people taking care of support and all other things related to running a business. That might make it take a while longer although I can understand some part of the frustration if needing to wait for weeks.

  2. Yes, I've experienced that on Linux based computers. I've seen others that has had similar issues as well. Not really had any reason to dig deeper into it though since it's not my main target environment when using the Bunny. I have made some tests using the USB Rubber Ducky on the same PCs and haven't been able to recreate it, so it could perhaps be Bunny related. If you need this to work and want to report it, then I'd suggest creating a support ticket.

  3. I wouldn't agree to the fact that Python 3 is installed as a dependency when just installing the mentioned packages. I would have noted that when I was working on the previously linked instruction on how to get a more recent version of Impacket on the Bunny. I did quite a lot of iterations before I had sorted out all the issues that was involved in getting that working so it would have been quite obvious that any Python 3 version installed by apt would need to be removed first (and that would be a part of the instruction in that case).

    When you say that the older responder.deb works; does it work in the way that it just runs or do you get NTLM hashes from a target? What OS is the target running in that case? A fully updated Windows 10 or 11? Just curious.

  4. I quote myself

    22 hours ago, dark_pyrro said:

    If you haven't purged Python 2 (or created some symlink that starts Python 3 when typing "python"), you should start Responder with python3 specifically, otherwise Responder will start with Python 2.

    If you use "python" only, you should under normal circumstances be starting Python 2 on the Bunny. To use Python 3 you need to specify it when starting Responder, i.e. use "python3" (both manually at the command line or in the payload script), not just "python". There is a shebang on the first line of the Responder.py file that could/should make the script use python3. Better though to start Responder with python3 from command line to be sure it is used.

  5. The LED sequence seems a bit odd. It shouldn't do it that way if either succeeding or failing (failing not equal to "LED FAIL" as per the payload script, but failing to get loot). I guess that Responder fails due to the fact that the payload is using a Responder command line option that is deprecated if I remember it correctly ==> "-r". If you run Responder manually and include the option "-r", it will abort. That could be the reason why the loot directory is created (since that is happening before Responder is executed), but nothing else happens. If Responder was successful in running the payload, it would blink yellow until it got some loot (i.e. some file named something including "NTLM").

  6. 38 minutes ago, InfiniteBSOD said:

    So I guess that a payload should be in 'Switch Position 1' which invokes 'DumpHash.py' and then 'QuickCreds' should be in 'Switch Position 2'?

    Not quite sure what you mean by that. You let the Bunny run whatever payload is available in the switch position you select. If you select switch position 1, it will run the payload in the switch1 payload directory. And the same logic for switch2.

    If you haven't purged Python 2 (or created some symlink that starts Python 3 when typing "python"), you should start Responder with python3 specifically, otherwise Responder will start with Python 2.

    • Like 1
  7. Well, it doesn't matter. I still can't see that it's mounted as storage. Try to format the card using gparted (or such) in EXT4 and only one (1) partition (no label). Then just insert it and don't let the Nano format it (using the "tool" in the web UI). Make sure fstab looks like how you pasted in an earlier post, but without the swap part. Also make sure there are no spaces in the paths. The paste you did in the previous post includes spaces and that will not work. The "device" path most likely needs a change. For example:

    	option target '/ sd'
    	option device '/ dev / sda1'

    Should look like this:

    	option target '/sd'
    	option device '/dev/sdcard/sd1'


  8. It should work, I know since I've done it several times. Time may change things though, so what was working a bit back in time may not work now.

    The apt stuff is most likely because of the fact that Jessie is old nowadays and it's not strange that such errors would occur. Getting a more recent debian-archive-keyring package could solve it and/or edit the sources.list file. Or, use apt-key to import keys from a key server (if available).

  9. What's the output of

    df -h

    If the Micro SD card is correctly mounted you should get a button called "Install to SD Card" when you want to install a module. This will install modules to the attached Micro SD card without the need of any specific adjustments.

    I installed one of the larger modules to the Micro SD card now ("RandomRoll" that would not fit on the internal storage of the Nano with its 20+ MB in size) and had no issues doing it.

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