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  1. Thanks so much im going to check it out!! THANKS! EDit Works Like a charm thanks so much
  2. sounds good let me know when you get the final one done.. thanks for all this
  3. I was messing with it and blocked the hook.dll and the msvcr71.dll still blocking my browsering can't even do alt tab to see the windows but i some how can open my start menu with ESC. But when it opens a window you can't see it so its kinda worthless. really need that EXE
  4. Yeah that sounds good i have eset smart security running and online Armor think one of those could block access to the smss.exe? Yeah you should send me the new exe file that you messed with ..
  5. Sounds good i just pm shan so lets see if he replys .. I just need that file he hosted a year ago cuz the link is dead to download it .. This program is so retarted if you ask me
  6. Just be able to browse take the lock off your browser thats pretty much it..
  7. What im saying is can anyone re upload the file because the url is dead and i can't download the reverse engineering app.
  8. Hey i Also have the same problem can you host that exe file that you hacked a year ago. I can get you the file so you can remove the restrictions. Its that stupid program "Respondus Lockdown browser " The EXE i downloaded for the online class is Here
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