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Everything posted by Jen

  1. By the way, i haven't had even 1 log or keylogger e-mailed to me. Has anyone tried it to see if it works?
  2. This is a script from delphi that i made. Don't know if it works with switchblade. : We will be using GetVersionEx() to fill in the _OSVERSIONA (TOSVersionInfoA) structure with information about current OS. 0 = The operating system is Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, or Windows 2000. 1 = The operating system is Windows XP. 2 = The operating system is Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003, or Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. What we do is compare dwMinorVersion (DWORD) to the value 0. function IsVista:Boolean; var OS:TOSVersionInfoA; begin OS.cbSize:=sizeof(OS); if OS.dwMinorVersion = 0 then result:=true else result:=false; end; Useage: If IsVista = True Then ShowMessage(’Windows Vista!’);
  3. Maybe it's because of the os or maybe becasue of hardware difference?
  4. Hi I'm new here, and I would say that I love your payload. However, the No Disk Error, if you disable all the password dumping and the LSA secrets, then it wouldn't show up, or at least that's what happens to me. i'm trying this on my virtual Machine running windows xp home sp2 Hope this helps!
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