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Posts posted by 3vmike

  1. Debianrulz:

    I completely agree with you. We are the sum of our choices. And because of that each one of us is different in some way. The best way to convince others not to steal their software or music is to show them by example.

    And when asked explain your view and reasoning calmly and rationally.

    Living in a Kantonian world would be one of absolute moral righteousness. We don't and because of that, there will always be a tug of war in any community of people of those who understand and those who sail rudderless on a sea of existential choices.

    To anyone who cares: Use free software, It's better and you'll feel better using it.

    If you don't believe me that it's better, read: The Cathedral and the Bazaar by Eric Raymond

  2. You know recently I've had a lot of conversations about this issue with several people and I'm going to post something here that I think everyone needs to hear.


    YOU can choose, linux or Mac OS or windows.

    You can choose, linux that uses some closed source software(Ubuntu) or a complete open source system(Dynebolic)

    You can choose, to pay for your OS or to steal it or to use free software

    You can choose, to flame or not to flame

    Everyday, we are faced with a deluge of choices and which OS to run is only one. Of course for some of us that decision is under constant review.

    I personally run Vista on my Desktop, Mac OSX on my brand new macbook that my job purchased for me(with 128gb SSD :-) and Linux Mint on my personal laptop.

    The greatest thing Richard Stallman and Linus Turvalds did, was allow the community to make a choice.

    I'm not a coder, I'm a System's Admin and this is my Manifesto. You may flame me, but you can't flame us all.

  3. Mat, I agree exactly. I would love to use, songbird. Open source, free software always appeals to me more, but I need it to work with my hardware.

    I've got an iphone and I'm running Vista on my desktop machine. If it weren't for the fact that I can't sync my iphone with linux I would be running it at home as well as on my portable.


  4. I have an iphone and I can assure you that there is no "legitament" way to tether your iphone, whether that restriction is because of att or apple is unclear. Regardless, there have been rumors of a plan to make it possible for the iphone.

    Jailbroken iphones have had this capability for some time now with the use of open source software.

    I'm sure that win mo users or blackberry users may have a different way of getting around the fee from att, but the official word is that you have to pay for tethering services.

    As far as verizon goes, there is an additional fee as well. Of course I'm sure there are way to get around the fees as I previously stated.

    Also, when speaking about the iphone, we must be very clear when referring to "jailbroken" and "unlocked" phones. There is a big difference.

  5. thanks so much again. what is the app called? if i plug in my iphone to my computer with the "apple" usb cable and teathered mode is on wil it do the same job as the blackberry did is the session hacking episode?



    You need an application called "iphone Modem" or "PDA Net"

    You should really research each of those applications, just search for them on google, you'll get lots of info.

  6. Ok so, they go from a once a month show, ten times a year, to a weekly show 52 times a year, and you guys expect them to have the same great content every show?

    It takes a lot of time to make each weekly show, and I certainly think they are doing their very best.

    That said, I understand what some viewers are talking about. The kind of content in each show has changed. Perhaps this is influence from new cast members, perhaps this is due to a quickened release schedule.

    What we, as viewers, should remember is, as darren said, constructive criticizm is usefull. Personal attacks are inappropriate and mean spirited.

    There is going to be a period of growing pains, as the cast and audience adjust to the new release schedule. We should trust in the cast to hear our feedback and do what ever they can to improve the show, but if your expecting, GREAT segments, that will satisfy EVERYONE'S technolust, EVERY episode you are just asking to be disappointed.

    One last thing, lets not forget these guys have regular day jobs just like everyone else, and they do this in their free time....


    flame away!

  7. it was the session hacking episode. i was mistaken it was a USB cable, but since the iphone connects with their version of the USB cable will it be same (not sure if apple cord acts as a USB cable)?And if so what steps should i take?



    p.s. thanks so much for at least responding and being helpful i really appreciate it

    Ok what your talking about is tethering the Iphone. ATT does have plans in the works that will allow your phone to tether, for an additional fee.

    However, if you've jailbroken your iphone there are applications you can download for free and do exactly what darren did wirelessly.

    I've presonally done this many times and it works out great. If anyone wants more info on how to do this, PM me.

  8. I was wondering, if you get the Aspire one with XP, do you also get their customised version of Linux, or is that extra?

    Most of the Linux distros have been installed on the Aspire One or the EEEPC. I know that debian has a version customised for these netbooks that can then simply point to the i386 repositories. Instructions on how to install are here.

    From what I have seen of them, I would say that the Linux GUI on the Aspire One is very good. I don't think that there is really any advantage to using XP, since every single app that you might want to use is available on Linux and where XP might have an advantage on any other computer, it's really lost on netbooks. ie. gaming is going to suck on XP on a netbook anyway, etc.

    Return your aspire one, purchase an EEE PC and run Ubuntueee or eeeUbuntu


    yeah i used to like star trek, but tbh... its gay.

    Yeah Mnemonic the transformer's helment your wearing in your pic is muuuuch cooler.

    I love putting skins on devices to make them look like the star trek PADD. I wish I could do it to my iphone, but no one's done it right yet.

  9. Ooo, very pretty Mr. Happypants. I thought about fancying it up, but I kept falling back to minimalist. Also I like having the data just skirting the edges of the screen so I can open a window and still see the most relevant info. I may not be able to read the firewall log with a window open, but I can still see the timestamp changing so I know to look at it.

    Thanks guys thats exactly what I'm looking for.

  10. Ok so I've been searching around on the forums, but I can't find what I'm looking for.

    Anyone know of an app for Mac OS that will display stat info like cpu usage, mem usage, hd activity on your wallpaper.

    I'm using istat menus right now, but was looking for something else.

  11. I'm a 901 owner and although the stock wifi card doesn't support any "wifi fun" if you know what I mean, I just got myself an alfa 500mW usb adapter and its set to go. Remote exploit forums have a good tutorial on BT3 working on the 901 too. Love the little thing :)

    No your right gEEEk he does have an eeepc 701 but I rarely see it on the show.

  12. I was looking on Newegg.com and thinking about purchasing one of the Asus EEE PC netbook with the intention of getting a model that has the atheros chipset or another chipset that is compatable with the aircrack-ng suite and can support packet injection. I have noticed that Darren and Matt both use this device, but I am unsure of what exact model they are using, or do all of the Asus EEE PC's use the atheros chipset. If anyone can point me in the right direction in making this purchase it would be greatly appreciated.

    Jacob B.

    Darren is actually using an Aspire One from Acer, not the EEE PC from Asus and I've only seen Matt using a macbook *Apple ftw* but the eee pcs are great too I have a 1000h and love it.

  13. I don't know what schools you guys are going to but that’s not the only way it is. Desktops are completely locked down. GPO's restrict everything that you can do. Firewall and surf protection that seams like a prison. Access only to specific sites that are allowed. wireless network, but the ssid is not broadcasted and even if you knew the ssid its wpa2 with mac address filtering. Network monitors that flag if a particular mac address is seeing too much traffic.

    I whole heartedly agree with Moonlit. This issue has been beaten to death, and then resurrected and beaten to death again.

    messing with school computers = bad idea, messing with school computers + posting it on a forum = worse idea

  14. Not true Linux, I'm counting it since it was an open-source project at the time...BeOS!!!

    Hmmm..... Redhat 7.1.... oh wait no I installed Slackware before that... and I think my first experience with open source OS was Free BSD, when I was working for an ISP at the age of 14.

  15. right :)

    I like camstudio but its for windows

    oooooooh! Hey, do you think it'll work with wine? I havn't tried it but I hear wine works well for windows apps in linux

    i will say this... wine has come a long way since the days that I remember of redhat 7.1 hehehe might work check it out

  16. I'm running it on my 901 and I love it. The only thing that doesn't work is the CPU throttling feature when it's on battery. All the fn keys on the keyboard work perfectly as well as the wireless card.

    I'm running this distro on my eee 1000h and it runs great, I have found only one problem. Out of the box, the os does not mount usb drives well. I found that editing the fstab to exclude the pre-existing cdrom line solves the problem, other than that it works great.

    Particularly putting the laptop in standby it very quick, perfect for mobile users like me.

  17. I think it is, for a netbook with an N wireless card, 10"screen, bluetooth 2.1 and a 160gbHD it does everything i need it to. My only critique is that it's an HD rather than ssd but as prices of ssds drop I'll get the storage I need.

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