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  1. Well played. I think I figured it out by myself eventually :P Dunno if I'm doing the right thing tho, so could you just tell me if I'm doing it wrong? I got my phones mac address, went to the network tab and changed the mac address to the same as my phone.
  2. This is so smart! Thanks man, could you give a bit more of an in depth tutorial on how to do this?
  3. I didn't think of that xD. I've done that in the past but it looks very suspicious having a pineapple dangling out of your computer.
  4. Hey guys I've been wondering if there is any way to use a public wifi through my pineapple. I can hotspot my phone to give clients internet access, but that's annoying. I've tried using a nearby public wifi to do this, but it has a login portal, which is what I'm stuck at. Is there any way to use this free wifi through my pineapple, bypassing the login portal. (The login portal is just a TOS and an agree button.) Sorry if this isn't worded well.
  5. Just get the radio and plug it in the back of the pineapple, wait till it flashes red then go to the networking tab, client mode and select wlan2, then scan. From there just enter the password for the router and connect to it. The Access points will then have internet access. As for the interface, mine is fine. Try a factory reset if needed. Hope this helps
  6. Holy shit thanks man, here's a photo of what happens - This occurs when I plug the bunny in, wait for the payload to start flashing yellow and then open up internet explorer. Thanks so much for the help
  7. Everything lists like that. I'm trying this on a windows 10 machine. I tried opening internet explorer while the payload was running, but a login box pops up. Something about a proxyserver. Do I need to configure the payload before I use it, and what is this login thing? Thanks
  8. Ahahah sorry, my mistake, I meant bash bunny (you probably figured that out)
  9. Hey I got my bash bunny onto firmware 1.3 and now I'm trying to use the quick creds payload. I cloned all the github payloads, installed 3 tools and put the quickcreds payload in switch2. When I plug it back in with switch 2, it gets stuck blinking yellow forever. Any help fixing this would be great. Thanks (I'm very new to this)
  10. Thanks for the help, I'm new around here so I don't really know anything
  11. 99 views and no replies. I'll just get linux.
  12. Hoi I've been trying to flash my USB rubber ducky with twinduck for a good day now but I can't get it to work. I am following this guide here - When I hold the DFU button on my duck and plug it in, the light stays red and nothing happens at all. I have installed Java, Microsoft redistibutable and FLIP. I take the SD card out of my rubber ducky before I do this. Please help
  13. Thanks for the answer :)
  14. So the ones that come with batteries are rechargeable, and the rest you have to replace the batteries or what
  15. Ayy I recently received my hak5 elite kit with my wifi pineapple tetra, and I've realised that the tetra isn't exactly what I thought I needed. I think I would be much better off with a Nano. So here are a few questions - 1. Is the Nano rechargeable, and if so how long will it last on a fully recharged battery 2. What are the MAJOR differences between the nano and tetra (Can the nano do all the stuff a tetra can) 3. Do you think they will be willing to swap my Tetra for a nano (I know this is a lot to ask but it would be awesome if they can seeing the tetra is worth more than the nano) Cheers
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