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is it possible to use hotplugs and implants

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I would like to ask if i can use hot-plugs and implants remotely with a pineapple.  Can it be set up so you can connect it over a wired network?  does this sound doable.  If so can you help me figure it out with me please as i would like to purchase a pineapple for testing with a couple of dongles. also I'm wondering what type of dB antenna you guys use.

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12 minutes ago, Frogger said:

hot-plugs and implants

Define what you mean with hot-plugs and implants, and how you plan to use them along with the Pineapple; what's the use-case?

13 minutes ago, Frogger said:

Can it be set up so you can connect it over a wired network?

You mean connect the WiFi Pineapple Mark VII as a DHCP client using an Ethernet adapter?


13 minutes ago, Frogger said:

I'm wondering what type of dB antenna you guys use

The stock ones that comes with the Pineapple

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