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Got some touble with my pineapple mark 7

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Hello Fellow tech folks:) I Im building a new stasjonary computer, So I only use a pretty old Dell with 32 gb ram etc...
When I was installing the Pineapple to my old machine I ran into alot of trouble.. I was hoping mayby someone in this fine community would help me set it up in this Laptopp, I will pay the person thath helps offcourse..
Are anybody interessted?
Please send me mail on ;


Edited by Irukandji
This is an publicity viewable forum. so email removed.
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have you watched the youtube setup videos?

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Yes I have, still I have issues..
I will pay the person willing to spend some time, maybe use TeamWiwer or whatever you like to help me setting it up..
I also have the cloud service, but never used it, actually I never have used the pineapple mark 7 ...

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