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mk7 shared internet connection

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when i try to run the wp7.sh sript for the shared internet connection i keep getting

   Step 3 of 3: Select WiFi Pineapple Interface
    Please connect the WiFi Pineapple to this computer.
    Detected WiFi Pineapple on interface enp0s20f0u3
    Use the above detected WiFi Pineapple interface?    [Y/n]? y

    Settings saved.

    Saved Settings: Share Internet connection from wlan0
    to WiFi Pineapple at enp0s20f0u3 through default gateway

    [C]onnect using saved settings
    [G]uided setup (recommended)
    [M]anual setup
    [A]dvanced IP settings

    Detecting WiFi Pineapple.......................found.

         _ .           ___          \||/
       (  _ )_  <-->  [___]  <-->  ,<><>,
     (_  _(_ ,)       \___\        '<><>'
Error: ipv4: Address already assigned.

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Edited by mptitooo
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  • mptitooo changed the title to mk7 shared internet connection

Guess you have to provide more information about your computer setup when it comes to networking to be able to troubleshoot. It seems as if it's the use of ip addr add that throws back the error. What's the output of ip a on the computer to which the Pineapple is connected (without running the wp7.sh script or having the Pineapple connected to start with)?

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