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Unable to install KISMET and dumbfounded...

Go to solution Solved by dark_pyrro,

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Hello everyone,

I'll present myself, Im judge  fudge and currently trying to learn more about wardriving for an ongoing project. I'm an absolute newbie at this but am finding myself more and more interested. I am trying to setup my Mark VII for Wifi sniffing to get a better understanding of my personal and work network. 

I want to load Kismet onto my pineapple and couple it with aircrack-ng and a gps forwarder to be able to extract location of APs around me. I started by trying to update through 'opkg install' and I get an error return:

Downloading https://downloads.hak5.org/pkgs/mk7/stable/2.1.0/packages/Packages.gz
*** Failed to download the package list from https://downloads.hak5.org/pkgs/mk7/stable/2.1.0/packages/Packages.gz

Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/21.02.1/targets/ramips/mt76x8/kmods/5.4.154-1-81b5fa8a3bdde9109c65df5b7a2d086e//Packages.gz
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/mk7_kmods
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/packages-21.02/mipsel_24kc/base/Packages.gz
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/2102_base
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/packages-21.02/mipsel_24kc/packages/Packages.gz
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/2102_packages
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/packages-21.02/mipsel_24kc/routing/Packages.gz
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/2102_routing
Collected errors:
 * opkg_download: Failed to download https://downloads.hak5.org/pkgs/mk7/stable/2.1.0/packages/Packages.gz, wget returned 8

But then I tried to install gpsd gpsd client and the return was positive. Then I tried Kismet but it returns:

root@mk7:~# opkg install kismet kismet-capture-linux-wifi
Unknown package 'kismet'.
Unknown package 'kismet-capture-linux-wifi'.
Collected errors:
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package kismet.
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package kismet-capture-linux-wifi.

Im completely dumbfounded as to why. I searched other forums and it seems people just run the command to install kismet and boom, all gucci.

Would appreciate any help anyone can throw at me.

Much love
Judge fudge

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Not sure if you got it working or not.

There shouldn't be any issues running either opkg update or installing packages.

Try to connect the Pineapple to some alternative network in the case that you can ping different websites from the Pineapple, but not install things.

I guess it's more likely that it's something in the infrastructure surrounding your specific Pineapple that is the root cause, and not the resources that opkg is trying to use (since I've been using them successfully many times and also quite recently, last time when responding to your first post and found nothing strange, everything worked as expected).

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Unfortunately I don't have access to any other internet connection. My internet connection uses a purchased login to connect (one with a username and PW that last X days) and it constantly deauthenticates me. I also run a VPN on my computer and am wondering if that is denying my the OPKG update command. Because when I take the URL and enter it manually into a web bar it returns: 

<Message>Access denied.</Message>
<Details>We're sorry, but this service is not available in your location</Details>
I changed my location and then I was able to download onto my computer the package from:

Downloading https://downloads.hak5.org/pkgs/mk7/stable/2.1.0/packages/Packages.gz
*** Failed to download the package list from https://downloads.hak5.org/pkgs/mk7/stable/2.1.0/packages/Packages.gz

Maybe I can manually transfer the opkg update files onto the Pineapple somehow?

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Where in the world are you located? If you're in a country with heavy restrictions on the national level, some things might fail since it's running on/using Google infrastructure.

You can "sideload" modules using the Pineapple web UI.

When it comes to package content (opkg), then just download the package file and locate the names of the ipk files you need, then just download the ipk files and trasnfer them to the Pineapple and install them using opkg.

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Trying to install any IPK file via the web UI returns the error : "Could not process upgrade file: exit status 1...". Whether its kismet or the latest aircrack. Same for any of the updates packages I downloaded following the URLs given from the command OPKG update.

I've searched the web for the meaning to exit status 1 but not getting much other than I need to reinstall my pineapple firmware, which I already did.



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