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WiFi Pineapple Nano with USB Ethernet passthrough


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I have a WiFi Pineapple Nano that i want to configure with OpenVPN and provide secured internet access when i visit another location. My plan here was to use my pineapple with an ethernet connection and then connect my clients to the pineapple which will have the OpenVPN connection back to my secure location. 

I thought it would be simple but for some reason i am not able to get the eth1 interface to appear. I have verified that the USB adaptor is one of the ones that the chipset drivers in the image so i am not sure why it fails to appear. 

I am very much a newbie when it comes to this type of thing so apologies if it is something stupid that i havent done. 

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I have been viewing the wiki https://docs.hak5.org/wifi-pineapple/faq/establishing-an-internet-connection/configuring-a-usb-ethernet-adapter

But upon further inspection it appears this might not be applicable to my device. 

I have since checked the opkg packages and i cannot see the package on there for the usb device i have, so i tried to install what i thought was the right one. 

root@Pineapple:~# opkg install kmod-usb-net-rtl8152
Unknown package 'kmod-usb-net-rtl8152'.
Collected errors:
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package kmod-usb-net-rtl8152.


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2 hours ago, dark_pyrro said:

That link is for the Mark VII, not the Nano.

You will most likely not succeed getting an RTL8153 based device working with the RTL8152 kmod.

One chipset that I know works along with the Nano is the ASIX AX88772B.

Ok Shame, i did read that RTL8152 & 8153 use the same drivers. 

I will look to source another USB adaptor and try again. Thanks. 

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9 hours ago, Woodentop said:

i did read that RTL8152 & 8153 use the same drivers

That might be very true, I haven't tried it. It as just an assumption that it would lead to issues. Installing that package shouldn't be a problem on the Nano though. Did you run 'opkg update' before trying to install it?

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On 8/2/2023 at 10:48 AM, dark_pyrro said:

That might be very true, I haven't tried it. It as just an assumption that it would lead to issues. Installing that package shouldn't be a problem on the Nano though. Did you run 'opkg update' before trying to install it?

Ah thanks, I have managed to get it installed now, although the eth1 doesnt seem to show up in the GUI. I will have a play but if you have any suggestions on how i can get the usb ethernet adaptor to passthrough the internet connection rather than connecting to WiFi i am all ears 🙂 

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5 hours ago, Woodentop said:

the eth1 doesnt seem to show up in the GUI

That's most likely because of the fact that OpenWrt can't bring the interface up. My bet is that there is some issue with the kmod/driver for that specific OpenWrt version for that specific chipset. It should generally work since it's fully functional on other kinds of Linux based distros, and of course on the Pineapple Mk7 where it's supported out of the box. It's identified/enumerated as something else instead of "link/ether" and doesn't seem to be able to handle the MAC address properly (it's set to 00:00:00:00:00:00 and if trying to set the MAC address of the interface and bring it up manually, it just throws and error back at you and that goes for both the RTL8152 and 8153 on the Nano). My advise is to use something that is known to work, and from my own experience, that is the previously mentioned ASIX chipset.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yep that's what I meant.  I got lucky eventually, up and running!

Used this, works out of the box with a few configs needed. 

ASIX Electronics Corp. AX88179 Gigabit Ethernet

1. ssh in

2. execute:

ifconfig eth1 up

2. use nano (for example):

nano /etc/config/network

and append this to the end of the file:

config interface 'wan'
        option ifname 'eth1'
        option proto 'dhcp'
config interface 'wan6'
        option ifname 'eth1'
        option proto 'dhcpv6'

3. Execute:

service network reload

4. Verify with (for example):


and also Advanced > Look for Upgrade will work now, as will Modules > Manage Modules > Get Modules From Hak5 Community Repositories.

References: https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/ucicheatsheethttps://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/base-system/basic-networking

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