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Mark VII Cannot Reconnect to C2 Due Internet Interruption (Noob)


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After spending much hours reading and watching videos about how to set and use the Pineapple with Cloud C2, finally it was working. Now, after ten days of using this marvelous piece of equipment, my Internet connection got interrupted, and the problem is that the Mark VII did not reconnect to the C2. My server is with Linode, and the C2 is enable as a service for when it reboots for any reason. I have not found how to reconnect. I use the service --status-all, but the "C2" does not showed. I also start the "service --start-all" command, but with no avail.

Please, can anyone assist? Thank you.

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As I understand your post, you can't get the C2 server (or service really) itself to run. If so, I can't see why any internet interruption would cause this to happen. If you log in to a terminal on that Linode based server, can you see any process running that relates to C2? I would suggest to review all the service settings for the C2 server and make sure it's all correct as it was when you first got it up and running.

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As Hak5 episodes 2701 and 2702 with credit to Void-Byte
sudo mv c2_community-linux-64 /usr/local/bin
sudo mkdir /var/cloudc2
sudo mv c2.db /var/cloudc2/
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/cloudc2.service
[In unit]
Description=Hak5 Cloud C2
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/c2_community-linux-64 -hostname example.com -https -db /var/cloudc2/c2.db
# Reload, enable on boot, start and inspect the newly created Cloud C2 service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable cloudc2.service
sudo systemctl start cloudc2.service
sudo systemctl status cloudc2.service
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I just type:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable cloudc2.service
sudo systemctl start cloudc2.service
sudo systemctl status cloudc2.service
The service is back online.
I think there is a problem with systemctl and Linode. it gave me a warning. I think that is why it does not restart the service when the system reboots. i will be posting the warning next time. Thank you very much for all your help. that is one of the reasons that I am glad that I found this forum and that I am using Linux. Our community it does care about its Noobs, 🙂
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OK, then something is clearly obstructing the service as it tries to start at boot time (my guess). Stopping and starting the service manually might give some clues to what is happening. One thing to think of is that the server needs internet access when C2 is started since it is validating the license at every single start. I can't think that this would be the case with Linode. It has at least never been a problem on my "production" AWS instance. For my Raspberry Pi test instance (that I run only for labs/testing and when trying to support other users), I have to include a delay though since the networking on my RPi isn't fully up when the C2 service is trying to validate the license. I'll just let the service sit and wait for about 30 seconds before starting the C2 service and it always works well as a workaround.

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It should get online if C2 is up. However, if there's some area I'm not that good at, it's the combo of C2 and the Mark VII specifically since I don't use the Mark VII with C2. I want access to the local web UI. Try a reboot of the Pineapple. If it's not working, then perhaps try to generate a new device.config file as a first troubleshooting step.

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You don't need to enable the service all the time.

To list the service, don't use "service --status-all". Use "systemctl list-units" instead. Or, simply run the commands I posted before, to get the status of the C2 service specifically.

sudo systemctl status cloudc2.service


sudo service cloudc2 status

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