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Posts posted by sintax

  1. Wow its been a while, just came back to Hak.5 and am gonna be a bit more active in the forums

    But anyway, the way this whole thing turned out is that I ended up getting 2 detentions, despite what the head guy tried to do for me. Not a huge deal, I basically just said it was a mistake, but they didn't really care. Whatever. Well anyway, thanks for the comments


  2. Haha yeah, alright. I'm probably gonna just say that i switched the drives by accident, although there is no proof of that so ill probably get busted anyway, but whatever. The thing i find hilarious is that I'm the "hacker" at my school, I have a bit of a rep. And I get asked for help from them more than I get in trouble with them, I'm good friends with the head IT guy. So I probably won't get in much, if any trouble. Thanks guys



  3. Tell them there network, is actually your network that they are paying for, just for fun.

    Haha, yeah. I basically got the same told to me, "This isn't your network that WE are paying for!" I have to say I chucked at that one. However, what I was told is that the files were "left on the server" and yes, I did ask to make sure it wasn't just the scan logs, the files were actually physically on the server. Is it a possibility that OfficeScan made a copy or something?

  4. Hello all,

    I have a rather long story, but the short version of it is that at one point during school I inserted a switchblade drive (this is the reason I label my drives, I've got 2 U3s) into a Windows 2000 machine, and since I didn't know it was a switchblade drive, I did not hold shift. The virus scanner (OfficeScan) popped up with a few detections, which I assumed were a few of the progs I had written myself or had on my thumb drive, and since it didn't delete them, I just ignored it. (Oh, and for the record it's GonZor's payload) About a month later I was called down to the office, as two "hacking tools" as they called them were discovered on my account. They gave me the names: firepassword.exe (the firefox password dumper) and Cache A dump (no idea what this is, it could have been cachea.dump, knowing the idiots I was dealing with) How could these two files, or evidence of these two files, have been left behind? Also, if you have another spare moment, I could use a few suggestions about how to get myself out of this.



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