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Posts posted by heuristicism

  1. By the way, another feature suggestion, if not already suggested. It would be nice if PandoraRip showed the current playing song as already ripped or not. right now I have to go into the log to see if the song was already ripped, or just missed. If already ripped then you could still display the info, and play and delete, but maybe with a red marker next to it, instead of green or orange, indicating already ripped. Anyway, just an idea..

  2. First off, great work.  I noticed, however, that not all the songs are grabbed.  Yes, I have grab UnCached tracks selected.  But looking at the logs, it looks like a pretty consistent 5 minutes pass between scans.  Is that the case? Does it get a notification from FF or Flash that there's been a change, or are the temp caches polled every X minutes? If so, is there a way to specify that via the settings. ini file? What would be great is a description of all allowed params and what they do.  Most are obviously just session stores for when the proggy restarts, but if there's anything else it would be nice to know about.

    Anyway, if my hunch about the polling time is right, then a good things would be to have control over that and allow one to override the default.  I listen to a lot of music that clocks in at less than that, and it seems to miss about 1 in every 3 songs.  If there's something I'm missing, I'd be happy to report any info you want/need.  Wireless card, debug logs, FF and Flash settings/configs, etc. . .

    Whatever I can do to make this great program even greater, I'm game for. 

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