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Posts posted by Lopti

  1. I was sure it would have been my comment about the braces that would have started a discussion, not the bloody variable declarations :P . I don't think Coopers code is "wrong" at all (it's syntactically and semantically correct), it's just written in a different style that has different benefits.

    This sort of thing always seems to be an issue though. Usually because most people are a bit apprehensive (myself included) to move away from what they have learnt and developed over a significant period of time, to something else just on face value. Even more so if they have been getting good, consistent results already.

  2. It is definitely annoying while reading someone elses code to be at the bottom of a method, see a variable you don't remember, then have to jump back up to the top to see what it is.

    As opposed to reading through X lines of code to find where it is declared? I would have thought going straight to the top would be easier considering you would have a fair idea where it is.

    It's also annoying when writingn code, if you decide you need a new variable near the end of the method, why go back up to the top to declare it then go back down to use it?

    My main reason for doing this is I believe that it improves clarity. Not only in having easier to read code, but when someone reads the first part of the method, they can see exactly what is stored locally (this seems to make sense as most people don't read code backwards). Also, it improves consistency in the structure of the method while I don't think it hurts the æsthetics at all (this is obviously of lesser concern).

    When it comes down to it, people are going to code in a particular style because they either see value in it or "that was what I read/was taught". In team environments, the value on consistency really comes out, especially when you have to go and maintain older code written by other developers.

    Anyway, as I said in my previous post, they were just some guidelines that K1u may want to think about, not the meaning of life.


  3. Good start mate, the first class in any language is always an achievement. That said, I agree with a lot of what Cooper said. Style is a matter of taste but there are a few things you might like to think about (keep in mind these are just some guidelines, feel free to ignore me).

    1: Declare all instance variables at the beginning of a class, while all local variables should be declared at the beginning of their respective methods.

    2: Good indentation makes code a lot more readable. So as a general rule of thumb, tab in once every time you open a brace, keep everything within that block aligned, then tab out once when you close the block.

    3: Java has some pretty nifty (Yes, I said nifty) ways of extracting comments from code i.e. javadoc. However, javadoc requires specific types of comments, which are of the /** */ variety. More info on that can be found here: http://java.sun.com/j2se/javadoc/writingdoccomments/

    4: Where to put braces? Well, I'm not even going to get into that one. Some people say you should open the block on the same line as the method declaration, others say on the line below...(the second group of people would be correct :P) but that again is taste.


  4. I think the word you're looking for is "channels". Anyway, #hak5 and #hak5dev are my preferred channels ( even if I do spend most of my time lurking/idling). Other than for the hak5 server, I don't really use IRC.


  5. If the VB cert. is free (as in your employer or someone is paying etc.) then sure, it's another thing to put on the curriculum vitae. But certs. in other languages will go a lot further for gaining employment/promotion. But keep in mind certs. only go so far, having a diverse body of projects and experience will help you more in the long run.

  6. ( even if it is via themost clunky piece of software on earth).

    A ActiveX controler that has a embedded Java bitorrent client?

    Haha, no, to be fair it isn't that bad. I'm just over it because we are developing something at work that has to interact with this particular piece of software and I can't seem to get away from it no matter where I go!

  7. I try to get to as many Uni lectures as I can, but with my job consuming my life, that seems to be getting fewer. However, the vast majority of lectures are recorded (be it audio with sync'd slides or video) either at my campus or one of the other UTas camps' around the state, so accessing the material is very easy ( even if it is via the most clunky piece of software on earth).

    As for notes, I only make notes on things which I want to find out more about.

  8. Slackware from my experience, is a very stable distro. I've been running Slackware in various forms for years, which I have really enjoyed. That said, "almost unbreakable" may be going a bit far.

    Comparison with Debian? Well. Slackware is very UNIX like in almost every aspect so it may suffer slightly on the user friendly front, but it is just as flexible as Debian. I wouldn't recommend it for a *nix newbie, but if you know your way around the command line, it's a very nice distro.

    Why not install it and give us your comparison?

  9. I think the Hak5 Cludo idea (or some derivative there of) has a lot of potential, especially in its scalability. Also, the variety of challenges that it may present (depending on how in depth the project goes) would give people a chance to experience different aspects of development, not only writing code, but software design/architecture, testing, etc.


    Link to the snake tutorial, with in depth explanation:


  10. The basic premise is that all computers running the software are linked together to form one super computer

    Sorry to be pedantic, but the folding@home client simply gets work units from the servers, individual nodes are not linked together.

    That said, this is a great project I have been participating in for a while and I would be very interested in a Hak5 team.

  11. Deagoba makes a good point. Knoppix, being a live cd is not intended for (though it is possible) hard drive installation. If you like Knoppix you should consider installing Debian or one of its many derivatives.

  12. thing is, out of all my many vices, i kinda like this one.

    I know what you mean. I quit two years ago and I still miss it. It's strange, I can't stand being around smoking now, but I still get cravings.

  13. If it weren't for the fact that I have a dynamic IP, I would host it in a second. If you guys want a box to host it on temporarily at least, to see what kind of interest it generates etc let me know.


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