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Posts posted by thork

  1. why stop there, I seen videos taking it further ;) :

    Low-Cost Multi-touch Whiteboard using the Wiimote

    Tracking fingers with the Wii Remote

    Head Tracking for Desktop VR Displays using the WiiRemote

    a little offtopic..:

    this one was a little sick :

    hehe  :-P

  2. Laugh..  "Schwarzenegger treadmill" ;)

    naa. don't think the cheap ones has that good management.

    sure they have programs, but probably not so customizeble.

    the ones I tried on fitness studio, do have some controll, the track even goes up and down as you run, however those models are more expensive.

    the clue is however uber pc-hack :p

    not sure I even seen a treadmill that can be connected to a pc :D

  3. This is just a posting of a mod I just came up with.

    It has never been done(as far as I know) and will probably never be done :) (at least not by me :p )

    anyway... One day not to long ago I looked at some advertisements on treadmills:


    they are sold very cheap, about 850dollars (probably cheaper in other countries)

    it has motorized incline(15%) and motorized running track(up to 16km/hour).

    I'm curious what communication is going between the panel and the running track.

    I'm thinking it's only simple rs232 serial communication, witch mean that one could probably connect a computer to it and listen to the traffic.

    anyway, what would be cool is to add a little comport/(or a usb connector with rs232 circuit) that one could just connect a little computer to.

    like perhaps the asus EE.

    then write up some small training software that would allow:

    * you could write your own track, with different speeds and different incline, that will automatically be adjusted as you run the track

    * when the track incline adjusts upwards, simulating a running up a hill, one could display a simulation on the pcscreen

    * your own mp3 music played on different places, for example when running up the last hill, plays the... he he the rockymovie music

    * add a little cardreader, one could save track efforts to a user with a card for each user

    * different analyzes over time

    * voice activated treadmill ?? he he

    * etc etc.

    the cheap treadmills does not have very advanced features.

    but with a pc doing stuff, one could go totally nuts :p

  4. on the clients, I would consider flash, as it has got socket support from early versions, and for the server you could use php sockets.

    if your more comfertable with javascript you could try the flash bridge, and use javascript to make flash create a socket

    Socket connections in AS3

    livedocs.adobe.com/labs/flex3/html/17_Networking_and_communications_5. html

    Socket class for JavaScript using Flash Player >= 6 bridge



    Realtime Sockets in Javascript!

    The JS-Bridge to Flash' Socket API



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