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Posts posted by blub

  1. hi

    this was actually the first payload i ever tried.  i was a bit afraid, cuz i read that it is supposed not to be possible to install it throu VM-systems.  But the only available xp system was my VM.  And i got it to run without a single problem.  I am so happy that i just wanted to let you know :-) and that i realy really like your work!! THUMBS UP!!

    What really feels handy is the option to turn U3LP on/off and turn the payload on/off

    Would it be also possible to also turn the u3 functionality on/off??

    the idea behind it is, that i run into a situation where i simply wanted to use my stick as a storage stick but the host pc didnt even recognize my stick, cuz of the restricted accounts or whatever they did to it, that didnt allow the u3 partition to run. which stoped the whole stick from being recognized.

    cuz of me being more into economics than writing codes, i dont know if it is possible

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