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Posts posted by incripshin

  1. So it didn't *actually* work. Apparently I had left both disks plugged in, and the new hard drive's windows started the old hard drive's windows transparently. Just booting into the new hard drive's copy doesn't work ... the drive letter is not C: so it doesn't know what to do.

    Apparently there is a builtin way to get Windows to copy itself to another disk, which I find acceptable. Unfortunately, Windows somehow borked itself ... maybe I was screwing around too much. Anyway, I will reinstall soon and make a proper backup. I don't know why I didn't do that earlier.

    Can you believe all I had to do to migrate Linux was xfs_dump/dd the partitions? Man ... WAVE OF THE FUCKING FUTURE RIGHT THERE.

    I will not come back to this thread ever again.

  2. And now for a less hasty message. Thanks, all, for your responses. I usually tend to deal with terrible problems with terrible solutions, but I was still happy not to hear an echo. First some individual problems, then my solution:

    Thanks Jason for that first nice reply. Grub looked like it was doing its job properly, but Windows didn't show even the smallest hint of starting. I saw that part of the man page shortly after I made the topic. Why do they have to be so vague about it, really?

    I prefer to use open source software whenever possible. And look, paying for packaged software is not 'the only way of making an exact image'. I mean, dd makes an 'exact' image. I also used xfs_dump to transfer my Linux partitions. Does any packaged software give a shit about xfs? It isn't made for people like me.

    I don't know if dd would have worked, but ntfsclone is at least as good (i.e. it may handle the migration better than dd). It will also allow you to create images of partitions that aren't sector-for-sector copies, which is what you want a lot of the time.

    I am swapping out disks because I want to, really. The specifics is that I give system Alpha the metric terabyte disk, move the 466 GB drive from Alpha to Beta, and move that 186 GB drive from Beta to Alpha.

    Now for the new steps, step 4 being the magic part:

    1) Create partition on new disk that is at least as large as the old (at least as many sectors and cylinders, I don't know which).

    2) Clone (sdb1 -> sda1)

    # ntfsclone --overwrite /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1

    3) Enlarge

    # ntfsresize /dev/sda1

    4) Reset the filesystem start sector (http://osdir.com/ml/linux.file-systems.ntfs.devel/2006-09/msg00073.html; also pasted at the end of this reply to ensure this wonderful program's survival)

    # ./relocntfs /dev/sda1 # just show what would happen
    NTFS Start Sector:
    # ./relocntfs -w /dev/sda1 # make the change
    NTFS Start Sector:
    Filesystem start sector altered to 2048

    5) Install bootloader (you can dd this if you don't use Grub; I installed Grub by booting with the Gentoo install disk, chrooting, using the 'grub' CLI)

    6) Use Windows again and despair.

    I should also mention that at no point after (2) should you run the Windows startup repair with both disks plugged in. I think this is what caused my migrated Windows to switch to F: and refuse to start; this was after I ran relocntfs, and I just ended up going back to step (1).

    Now excuse me while I write a love letter to relocntfs' author :).

    Here's the relocntfs source:

    relocntfs - deals with braindeadness with moving NTFS filesystems.
    Copyright (C) 2006  Daniel J. Grace
    I don't claim any major knowledge of the NTFS filesystem.
    This program is merely an implementation of the process documented at
    Michael Dominok's website: <http://www.dominok.net/en/it/en.it.clonexp.html>
    Like any other program that tinkers with the contents of your HD, this
    program may cause data corruption. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. You have been warned.
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <linux/hdreg.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>
    unsigned long fliplong(unsigned long v) {
    	/* Flip a long value -- if the architecture depends on it */
    	unsigned long rv;
    	char buf[4], t;
    	int iter;
    	/* Determine system architecture */
    	rv = 1;
    	memcpy(&buf, &rv, 1);
    	if(buf[0]) return v;
    	/* If we reach here, byte-swapping is neccessary */
    	memcpy(&buf, &v, 4);
    	for(iter = 0 ; iter < 2 ; ++iter) {
    		t = buf[iter];
    		buf[iter] = buf[3-iter];
    		buf[3-iter] = t;
    	memcpy(&rv, &buf, 4);
    	return rv;
    int usage(char *progname) {
    		"ntfsreloc - adjust filesystem start sector of an NTFS partition"
    		"\nUsage: %s [-s start] [-w] [-b] [-f] device"
    		"\nwhere device points to an NTFS partition"
    		"\n-w\n\tWrite new start sector to the partition."
    		"\n-s start\n\tNew start sector to write.  If omitted, determined via ioctl."
    		"\n\tMust be specified if -b option is used."
    		"\n-b\n\tProceed even if the specified device is not a partition (e.g. a"
    		"\n-b\n\tregular file)"
    		"\n-f\n\tForce the operation to occur even if device does not look like a valid"
    		"\n\tNTFS partition."
    		"\nThis utility displays the current starting sector as defined by the"
    		"\nthe filesystem.  No change will actually be made without the -w"
    		"\nExit status is 2 if an error occured, 1 if a change was made or is needed"
    		"\nor 0 if the filesystem already has the correct values."
    		"\n", progname
    	return 0;
    char *optDeviceName = NULL;
    int device = 0;
    char optSpecifyStartSector = 0, optWrite = 0, optPrint = 0, optBlock = 0, optForce = 0;
    unsigned long optStartSector = 0, geomStartSector = 0, useStartSector = 0, fsStartSector = 0;
    char haveGeomStartSector = 0;
    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    	int i;
    	int readopts = 1;
    	if(argc <= 1) {
    	for(i = 1 ; i < argc ; ++i) {
    		if(argv[i][0] == '-' && readopts) { 
    			/* -s is special */
    			if(argv[i][1] == 's') {
    				optSpecifyStartSector = 1;
    				char *sizePtr, *endPtr;
    				if(argv[i][2]) {
    					sizePtr = &argv[i][2];
    				} else if(i+1 < argc) {
    					sizePtr = argv[++i];
    				} else {
    					fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Size must be specified for option -s\n");
    					return 1;
    				optStartSector = strtoul(sizePtr, &endPtr, 10);
    				if(endPtr == sizePtr || *endPtr) {
    					fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Invalid size specified for option -s\n");
    					return 1;
    			if(argv[i][1] && argv[i][2]) {
    				fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option '%s'\n", argv[i]);
    				return 1;
    			switch(argv[i][1]) {
    				case '-': readopts = 0; break;
    				case 'w': optWrite = 1; break;
    				case 'p': optPrint = 1; break;
    				case 'f': optForce = 1; break;
    				case 'b': optBlock = 1; break;
    					fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option '%s'\n", argv[i]);
    					return 1;
    		/* If we reach here, we're reading a device name */
    		if(optDeviceName) {
    			fprintf(stderr, "Only one device may be specified\n", argv[i]);
    			return 1;
    		optDeviceName = argv[i];
    	if(!optDeviceName) {
    		fprintf(stderr, "No device name specified\n", argv[i]);
    		return 1;
    	/* If we reach this point, we can actually do work */
    	/* Verify that we can open the device in readonly mode */
    	if(!(device = open(optDeviceName, (optWrite ? O_RDWR : O_RDONLY) | O_SYNC))) {
    		return 2;
    	/* Check to see if it's a partition */
    	struct hd_geometry geom;
    	if(ioctl(device, HDIO_GETGEO, &geom)) {
    		if(!optBlock) {
    			fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read disk geometry.  Perhaps this is not a partition?\n");
    			fprintf(stderr, "Verify that you are using the correct device or use the -b option.\n");
    			fprintf(stderr, "The exact error was:\n");
    			return 2;
    		} else if(!optSpecifyStartSector && optWrite) {
    			fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read disk geometry, and -s option was not specified.\n");
    			fprintf(stderr, "No update can be made without this information.\n");
    			fprintf(stderr, "The exact error was:\n");
    			return 2;
    	} else {
    		geomStartSector = geom.start;
    		haveGeomStartSector = 1;
    		if(!optForce && !geomStartSector) {
    			fprintf(stderr, "This looks like an entire disk (start=0) instead of a single partition.\n");
    			fprintf(stderr, "I won't modify this without the -f (force) option.\n");
    			if(optWrite) {
    				return 2;
    	/* Determine if it's an NTFS partition or not */
    	if(lseek(device, 3L, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
    		return 2;
    	/* Read "NTFS" magic, or at least what should be */
    	char ntfsMagic[4];
    	if(read(device, &ntfsMagic, 4) != 4 || memcmp(ntfsMagic, "NTFS", 4)) {
    		if(!optForce) {
    			fprintf(stderr, "This device does not appear to be a real NTFS volume.\n");
    			if(!optWrite) {
    				return 2;
    	/* Determine partition's start sector */
    	if(lseek(device, 28L, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
    		return 2;
    	if(read(device, &fsStartSector, 4) != 4) {
    		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read filesystem start sector.\n");
    		return 2;
    	fsStartSector = fliplong(fsStartSector);
    	printf("NTFS Start Sector:\n");
    	if(haveGeomStartSector) {
    		printf("partition=%lu\n", geomStartSector);
    		useStartSector = geomStartSector;
    	if(optSpecifyStartSector) {
    		printf("specified=%lu\n", optStartSector);
    		useStartSector = optStartSector;
    	printf("filesystem=%lu\n", fsStartSector);
    	if(useStartSector == fsStartSector) {
    		printf("No changes are neccessary.\n");
    		return 0;
    	if(!optWrite) return 0;
    	if(lseek(device, 28L, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
    		return 2;
    	fsStartSector = fliplong(useStartSector);
    	if(write(device, &fsStartSector, 4) != 4) {
    		return 2;
    	if(fsync(device)) {
    		return 2;
    	if(close(device)) {
    		return 2;
    	printf("Filesystem start sector altered to %lu\n", useStartSector);
    	return 1;

  3. 1) screw imaging software

    2) dd had the same trouble

    3) I have a solution, and I will post it when I get more time. Basically, the partitions had different starting sectors (63 vs 2048) and this is written in the NTFS superblock. gotta go.


  4. SOLVED See my third comment. I don't know if it's possible to change the topic title, so I am just adding this note here.

    ONLY SORT OF Apparently I can boot, but it still doesn't work for shit. See last message. I have had it with this.

    I recently bought a new hard disk and I was having trouble transferring my Windows 7 partition, and I don't know what I'm missing. The trouble is that it won't boot, though I got all the data across fine (seemingly). When I select Windows in GRUB, it just hangs. The steps I took were pretty simple:

    1) use Linux fdisk to create a larger partition on the target disk, setting partition ID to HPFS/NTFS and enabling the boot flag

    2) the following (sda: target, sdb: source) from a Gparted live disk (Anglican spelling; deal with it):

    # ntfsclone --overwrite /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1
    # ntfsresize /dev/sda1

    I also tried using dd the first time.

    3) install grub on /dev/sda with same configuration

    4) attempt repair with Windows 7 install disk; nothing doing

    And that's it. /dev/sdb1 is 75 GB while /dev/sda1 is 100 GB. Mounting /dev/sda1 shows that it did resize the filesystem to fill the partition:

    # df
    Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda1            104857596  60125040  44732556  58% /media/c

    Here are relevant excerpts from fdisk:

    # fdisk -l /dev/sda
    Disk /dev/sda: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    Disk identifier: 0x00008f19
       Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
    /dev/sda1   *           1       13055   104857600    7  HPFS/NTFS
    # fdisk -l /dev/sdb
    Disk /dev/sdb: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
       Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
    /dev/sdb1   *           1        9791    78646176    7  HPFS/NTFS

    (Yeah, it's a minor upgrade, but I also have another computer which could really use the 466 GB drive). Here's my grub config, but there's nothing strange about it; I'm just trying to head off a request for it:

    default 0
    timeout 8
    title Gentoo Linux
    root (hd0,1)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz ro root=/dev/sda2 vga=794 splash=verbose,theme:livecd-2007.0 fbcon=scrollback:128K
    title Windows 7 Professional
    rootnoverify (hd0,0)
    chainloader +1

  5. [From the RSS feed:] While on Vacation at the beach Darren and Shannon talk password security. Shannon covers her favorite free open source password safe, Keepass, and how it can take the nightmare out of remembering a different password for every site. Then, Darren goes over salting and what it does to protect your password's hash on the back end.


    Watching it right now, but I have a correction on salts. You said that they are appended, but that is wrong and insecure. Salts are prefixed. Hash functions can be defined recursively:

    SHA txt = sha(SHA txt[:-1], txt[-1])
      | nil = some_constant
    sha(hash, byte) = some_linear_time_algorithm

    (I'm trying to remember SML syntax and am failing.) If the hash of 'eggs' is 0123 and there's a one byte salt, then I only have to run the sha() function 256 times:

    sha(0123, 0)
    sha(0123, 1)

    If the salts were prefixed, then I would have to recompute over all bytes in 'eggs':

    sha(sha(sha(sha(sha(some_constant, 0), 'e'), 'g'), 'g'), 's')
    sha(sha(sha(sha(sha(some_constant, 1), 'e'), 'g'), 'g'), 's')

    Prefixed salts require a lot more work (a factor of O(n)) on the adversary's part.

    Edit Darren needs to invest in some sunscreen.

  6. Loved to see pfSense getting air time. BSD is always the way to go. I have to wonder why they base it on FreeBSD instead of OpenBSD.

    Also, I had trouble getting into the trivia. The password wouldn't go in (page would refresh with no error message) the first five or so times, but it eventually worked.

  7. mplayer loves the new 16:9 ratio, and I tend to agree. On behalf of all people who watch your show with mplayer (me and two other guys), I thank you.


    Thanks, Darren, for giving a shout out to my distros of choice: Slackware, my first Linux, and Gentoo, what I currently use. See my avatar for my other OS of choice. And Matt, I really do know my shit. 90% of Ubuntu and Windows users can hardly say that.

    Also, I highly recommend that nobody ever use anything but OpenSSH. If there's anybody I trust with keeping me safe on the internet, it's those OpenBSD developers. They are undeniably the best at what they do. Admittedly, cygwin can be a bit of a pain to install (the only way to run OpenSSH in Windows), depending on how pedantic you are. I think it's worth it, though.

    Speaking of Slackware. I needed to install Linux on another computer, and I thought, I'll save some headache by using Xubuntu. Was I ever wrong. The bootloader didn't work (apparently they don't approve of my partition table), and the CD had no option to boot from a specific partition (unlike the Slackware disc). And even if it did work, I still would have had to install a compiler and a number of libraries. So, I put in the Slackware disc, breezed through the menus, and I was good to go.

  8. caribou, maine? im there until monday with family xD

    Caribou Coffee. They're huge in MN, since that's where they started. They're about as common as Starbucks, so us Minnesotans tend to think they're everywhere. I'm in Madison, WI now, and there are only two on the other side of town. Another big MN-based coffee chain is Dunn Bros, again nearly nonexistent outside MN.

    I'm saddened by this news, that they use such poor filtering software. Caribou will actually make an espresso machiato when you say 'espresso machiato'. Can't say the same for Starbucks.

  9. Back to aspect ratios: So I know I'm not crazy now. With a Video Properties Header (vprp), the aspect ratio seems to be stored in the AVI at offset 0xf0. This is the case in other Revision 3 videos (I don't have any other videos with a vprp in the AVI header). It is a little-endian 32-bit number. Why little-endian? Microsoft designed it. To compute the aspect ratio, divide the must significant 16 bits by the least significant 16 bits.

    From Hak.5 video hexdump:

    000000f0 99 2a 00 40 ... # 16384 / 10905 = 1.5024...

    From another Revision 3 video:

    000000f0 09 00 10 00 ... #16 / 9 = 1.7777...

    So VLC/WMP/XINE are screwing with the video, and mplayer FTW.

    Anywhos, this was definitely one of the better hacking episodes. I want to see more Unix, though. Windows is not a hacker OS. Unix was designed by developers for developers, and as such, it's great for doing hacking.

  10. Doesn't mplayer have a setting to touch from inside/outside? It plays fine aspect ratio on my PC. Also, does your player have a setting for NTSC vs PAL??

    640 x 360 = 16:9 NTSC Ratio (I use the large xvid file, so not sure if any of the other file renders are off)

    Sounds like your player settings are not set properly or something wrong with your player?? Try something else to watch it in and see what happens.

    There is no setting to have mplayer ignore the aspect ratio it finds, though I can override it with the option '-aspect 16:9'. The video definitely is 640x360, but the aspect ratio in the meta data is still 1.5:1. Other videos that do work: everything from Revision 3 (XviD), DL.TV (DivX), and hundreds of TV episodes from Demonoid :).

    Either there is a bug in mplayer, or one of the encoding settings is off.

  11. Mplayer tells me that the aspect ratio isn't 4:3 as I assumed, but 3:2. VLC won't tell me what the aspect ratio is, but it plays it as 16:9. Also, episode 4x04 was the first episode with the 3:2 ratio. 4x03 was, in fact, 16:9.

    Edit: it could be that VLC is ignoring the aspect ratio since it's unusual. The video's width:height ratio is already 16:9.

  12. I just downloaded, for the first time, our show in XviD and it was in the proper aspect ratio. What media player are you using?

    I tried it with mplayer and xine with the same result. And moonlit, there is nothing better than mplayer (smplayer uses Qt, has Unix and Windows builds, and it's really nice). I could try VLC when I get back home. This started happening on the third or fourth episode of the season. Again, I can check when I get home.

  13. The aspect ratio on every episode is screwed up for me (specifically, the large XviD feed). They're all 4x3, and I have to change this manually to 16x9 for every episode. Tell me I'm not the only person to notice this.

  14. Many people are misinformed, C# and .NET are an open standard.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Language_Infrastructure

    I wasn't aware of that.  I see there are also Windows ports of .NET.  Let me say, then, that I simply don't trust Microsoft technology, but that's mostly politics.  I also think that their software is typically too complicated.  By association I put their languages and APIs in the same category.  I've used the Windows API a bit, and I much prefer POSIX.

    Can anyone recommend a good book for C++ and C#?


    The C++ Programming Language (Bjarne Stroustrup) is the best reference to the language.  I didn't use it to learn the language, though.

  15. I want to join the 'promote your favorite language thread' too!  First I would start with COBOL.  When you're comfortable with that, you can move over to Ada or Fortran.  Top it off with some Eiffel and ML and you'll be unstoppable.  Seriously, though?

    I started with C, reading The C Programming Language (Kernighan and Ritchie), the only C book you'll ever need or could want, though I would like a third edition with C99 updates.  Personally, I would prefer it over Python since Python's object-oriented, and therefore more complicated.  I know that some universities use Python for the introductory programming courses.  This is for people who don't know what to expect from programming.  You have enough motivation to work on your own, so I don't think you need that shortcut.  During my time in university, I found that I had a much better understanding for how things worked than my classmates, who seemed clueless.  To this day, I don't know what's so hard about preventing memory leaks and using pointers.  Plus, I love computers, and the closer of a connection I can have with the hardware, the more enjoyable it is.

    My favorite language is C++.  Gaining a full understanding of this language takes a lot of work.  The C++ Programming Language is a very large book in comparison to The C Programming Language, but it's full of great examples and insights from the language's creator, Bjarne Stroustrup.  Reading Effective C++ is also helpful.  The level of control that it gives makes it really enjoyable for me to work with.

    I do like Python a lot, though.  I count it as my second favorite language.  There's a lot of documentation online, though it is very nonuniform and can be hard to navigate (a good reason to buy Python in a Nutshell).  It's open source and cross-platform, which I love.

    I don't think writing DOS batch files is helpful.  The only batch files I ever wrote just sequentially executed programs.  For political reasons, I will never use proprietary languages like VB or C# (Microsoft's Java), unless I absolutely need to.  I don't like the idea of pigeon-holing my code into a single environment.  Especially one that's closed off to inspection like Windows is.

    In summary:

    C first.  Python & C++ second.

  16. IE's FTP client works on most servers, but not all.  It gives really weird directory listings when connecting to a publicfile FTP server.  This specific issue isn't related, but it's an example of where mozilla and filezilla follow the (screwy) FTP spec more closely.

    My guess is that IE and most other clients you've tried are not using active mode.  I would check what the default is, except that I'm in linux.  See KB323446 for how to enable active mode.  If this is the case, I'm guessing that your FTP server is running both active and passive, but passive doesn't work because the firewall isn't FTP-aware.  The solution then is to get your firewall to work properly with FTP.

    A good idea if I'm wrong is to run wireshark/tcpdump while connecting with the CLI client that worked and some other client that doesn't work.  See how the connection phase is working.  Wireshark should make this pretty easy if you can filter well enough, since it parses common protocols like FTP.  Filter for tcp.port==21.  What you should be looking for are PORT or PASV commands.  This will tell you what kind of connection is being made, and probably why one client works while another doesn't.

    Edit - The default for IE7 is to use passive FTP.  Switch it off and see if FTP works.

  17. AVI is just a container format.  It holds video, but it is not a video format.  This is why the media player can know about the sound but not the video.  OGM is another, superior container format, though not as widely supported (I'm looking at you, Windows Media Player).

  18. Just defragment it.  Oh wait, that's if you want the hard drive to be deader.

    I think you should upgrade your RAM if you can.  This will decrease the page faults a lot.  SATA and PATA drives are the same in terms of speed.  The bus that SATA uses just has more potential for growth.

    I could be totally wrong here, but I would suppose that upgrading to 7200 (if that's possible with notebook drives) is not a good idea.  It will make your laptop faster, but also hotter than it was designed for, louder, and the battery life will be shorter.  It may also be that the power supply can't take that much power and end up going 'pop'.  I don't think the performance record of lithium ion batteries is very good, so I wouldn't push it.

  19. In Linux, and probably other unixes, a good ripper is dvd::rip (http://exit1.org/dvdrip).  It's written in Perl of all languages and it works really well.  The only thing I didn't like is how it ripped subtitles.  They had to be compressed with rar2 for some reason.  I imagine that subtitles are screwy any way you look at them, though.  I think that's because they're actually images that need to be interpreted by some text recognition code.

    Other features are that it can give you pure open source files.  You can have XviD video, multiple Vorbis audio tracks, and an OGM container.  Who doesn't like that?  This is by option, of course.  You can still do x264/MP3/AVI if you like.

  20. Wow.  I had some firewall issues getting here, myself.  I had to use tor, but the port was being blocked by the corporate firewall.  I switched 8118->8119 and presto.

    You mentioned adding port 20 to the exception list.  Port 20 is not used by passive FTP.  With passive FTP, the client should be saying PASV, and the server should choose a high port number that is random, responding with PORT x.  The firewall needs to be FTP-aware so that port x is accessible from the client's IP address.

    I'm not sure how this gets accomplished with Windows 2003 as I'm more of a unix person.  I don't use no stinkin' firewall, though I don't need it to do very advanced stuff except run sshd, public ftp, and samba.  Nothing else is enabled.  Some day I'll make the switch to OpenBSD and try to figure out pf, but until then, my Gentoo is running exposed.

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