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Posts posted by digitalspy

  1. You are right, indeed. I just tought the community of Hak5 would get interested and solve this together doing this with educational and hacking science purposes but like you said, it could be used by someone else with really bad intentions so, will make this project priv8. Take care...

  2. First off, Goatse? Gross. Secondly, Hak5 and Goatse together. Shows how much you respect Hak5. Thirdly, Goatse? Guess you have a liking for things like "tub grl", but this is a coummunity about hacking, not the childish defacing of web pages or "insertion" to peoples packet traffic. Your first post and your off to a great start...Let me ask you, do you often get a ID 10 T error when trying this "packet injection"?

    You didnt get the point dude, forget the Goatse, that was like a reference and actually I dislike that type of pictures, ID 10 T? You have lots of MIPS but no I/O. See this like a challenge and not "the childish defacing of web pages or "insertion" to peoples packet traffic" Respect.

    Here is Ettercap bundled with Etterfilter from Xatrix http://www.xatrix.org/dload.php?id=18

    Project "AirHak" status is: 30% by now

  3. Well I was checking at some stuff at irongeek. com and saw this article on "Fun with Ettercap Filters" where Adrian Crenshaw says that it is possible to do an Airpwn-like-attack over wireless trough Ettercap and Etterfilter but he only covers the attack using ethernet connection so, Hak5 members, we are going to use this topic to develop "AirHak" and the main goals will be these:

    1.  Use Windows as platform

    2.  Use Ettercap and Etterfilter

    3.  Inject the WiFi to do the AirHak attack and replace pages/images with the Hak5-Goatse-logo.

    So, everyone is invited to participate.

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