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Posts posted by Lex

  1. I really hate the way you give answers .

    and why would you need a key logger...

    SmoothCriminal , that was a very smart answer . You should'va kept your mouth shut . If you don't know how to answer his question , don't post anything . Yeah , it's very ELITE of you to give such answers .

    HALEN , i don't know if it's possible to only log the command line . Check the following links :

    This one is very simple to setup , you only need python installed :


    This one works too , but i preffer the one written in python


  2. Hey guys !

    I have a windows xp computer and a Linux one . The one with windows has internet access ( and two ethernet cards ) and I would like to be able to access it from Linux too .

    After reading on the internet and various forums I found some guides ( none of them working for me though ) .I'm posting the Linux setup I used :

    ifconfig eth0 down
    ifconfig eth0 netmask up
    route add default gw
    echo nameserver_ip > /etc/resolv.conf

    After doing all this , my connection didn't work ( I couldn't even ping the windows computer ) . I found it strange that after

    echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

    i was able to ping and get replys from the windows computer . The internet still doesn't work . Any tips/guides ?

    I can't put the second network card in the Linux computer , so please don't suggest that as an option.

    Thanks !

  3. How about you use this little perl one-liner :

    perl -pi.bak -e "s/" log_file

    This should be run from command line . What it does is exactly what you need : it opens log_file ,searches for every occurence of and removes it. The script makes a backup of the log_file , naming it log_file.bak ( just in case ).

    Hope this helps

  4. I found out about this website about a week ago , and now I'm watching the show . Congrats !

    I saw the programming challenge , and decided to write a solution in perl . Since perl is a dynamic language , I decided to use dynamic coding .

    Sorry if I posted in the wrong topic ( and beeing one year late with the solution :) )

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    sub generate_code {
        my $numbers=shift;
        my $total =shift;
        my $code;
        my $i;
        my @vars;
        for($i=0;$i<$numbers;$i++) {
            $code.="for(my $i${i}=1;$i${i}<$total;$i${i}++) {n";
        $code.="print "";
        map { $code.="$_ " } @vars;
        $code.="n" ";
        for($i=0;$i<$numbers;$i++) {
    sub condition {
        my @arr=@{ shift @_ };
        my $number=shift;
        my $string="if(";
        for(my $i=0;$i<$#arr+1;$i++) {
            if($i==$#arr) {
    my $num=shift || die "enter a number (n)n";
    my $tot =shift || die "enter how many numbers should be added (k) n";
    my $code=generate_code($tot,$num);

  5. Hi again guys !

    I've read on a website this following programming challenge ( for a job interview ) :

    -you are supposed to write an application which should display a string ( whatever you want , say "string 1" ) the first time it's being ran , and a different  string ( say "string 2") if you run it again . However , you are not allowed to create write to additional files , or to the registry .

    I've solved this challenge in perl using the following code :

    use Tie::File;
    tie my @array,'Tie::File',$0 || die "Tie errorn";
    my $tmf;
    if($tmf eq "string1") {
        print "First runn";
        for(my $i=0;$i<$#array+1;$i++) {
        if($array[$i] eq "string1") {
    untie @array;
    else {
        print "Not first runn";

    The code runs on any platform that supports  perl .

    I tried to solve it in C too , but I've only got it to work under Linux ( the way I did it was using exec , replacing the current process image with another image that writes data in the file ) ... but on Windows the C code crashes .

    I would love to see another solutions for this challenge .

    Cheers !

  6. Hi Guys !

    Please excuse my english ( it's not my native language ) .  I recently saw the video about ARP poisoning and I have some questions :

    -after a reboot of the attacked computer , will everything return back to normal ?

    -are both the computers ( the attacked computer and the attacker's computer ) receiving the same traffic ? I'm asking this because I saw that in the video you read that guy's AIM messages .

    Thanks for your time !

    Cheers !

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