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Posts posted by teh_coder

  1. Theres no use of it at this time, me and the system admin are the only ones that are even logging into it at the moment.  can folding@home use mpi or lam?

  2. My school has a cluster that I have been given access to and I would like to know if you all have any good ideas to what I could do on it while I finish my code of my project.

  3. This is mostly a stupid idea, but an idea.  Why don't we (The Hak.5 Community) Make a filesystem for USB disks, base it around like ext3 or reiserfs and call it "HAKFS".  We could most likely do it, we already have the idea, and a lot programmers.  Let me know if this idea is just to stupid.

  4. I'm working with about 3 USB hard drives everyday, I use Windows And Linux (I don;t have admin rights all the time), So I want to know what File System I should use.  I can't use FAT32, I have files that are around 10GB+, I've started to use NTFS it seems to be the only thing that windows can read with out special software and all the Linux systems I use I own so I can add the ntfs-3g software.  But what do you think?

  5. Hi all, I have a set of files on a server at work that get updated every few days from a second DEPT.  and I need a way to copy only the changes to an USB HD, I would use a simple copy command but its over 30GB of data.  I'm running windows :(.  I was thinking of using something like rsync but I would really like it to run from the USB HD.  Thanks

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