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Posts posted by Tygari

  1. I am writing my own web game as I learn web programming.
    For the next version I am moving most the code to a server.
    This is the first time I am writing a server from scratch.

    Using a Node server with Express and Sockets stacked in as the frame work.

    What are tricks I can use to prevent malicious players from hacking the server?

    Right now I am enclosing all incoming data in {} brackets and nothing gets ran without a 'typeof' verification that it is of the correct datatype.
    No functions are being passed as data types so anything that returns as a typeof == 'function' gets scrapped.

    Only after code that passes all my verifications and gets through proper processing returning the correct type of data gets transferred out of the {} fields.


  2. My name is Tygari

    Nationality: American
    Sex: Female
    Race: White
    Height: 5"10'
    Favorite band: ItaloBrothers
    Favorite book: Imago
    Favorite author: Octavia Butler
    Favorite anime: Log Horizon
    Known Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node
    Hobbies: Web Programming, Games, Cooking, Anime, Writing
    Occupation: Failure

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