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Posts posted by thesilvester

  1. I have a problem with the proxy settings on my computer. When I try to use a program that needs to connect to the internet they can't. They all give me the same error saying that it is behind a proxy and can't connect to the internet. My main problem is that I can't connect to the itunes music store. I haven't made any changes to the proxy settings. BTW Firefox still is able to connect.

  2. I am a 15 year old working my way into the web development/design world. I recently adopted the idea of Web Standards and I have been working with CSS. I just put up a local web server for testing and now I want to dive into PHP. I understand the syntax and basic uses of PHP. Does anyone know a good begginer PHP project(source code would be good to).

  3. 1)


    O/S 10.4.6

    Dual 2ghz G5

    1 gig ram

    150 gig HDD

    GEFORCE 6600LE

    20in Apple Cinema Display


    Acer TravelMate 630

    O/S Ubuntu 6.10

    P4 1.4ghz

    256 mib ram

    20 gig HDD

    Crappy Video Card

  4. i want to be able to boot DSL off of a flash drive because that is the only boot option that is not locked at school. My problem is that every time I try it, it doesn't work. I've tried sys linux and even a boot floppy. Nothing seems to work. Can anyone help

  5. You know, when you realise you just made the mistake of deleting something you really shouldn't have and your using windows. You need to force power off as quick as you can, holding the power button for 5 or so seconds is usually ok.

    Forcing power off is good in this instance because it reduces the chance that windows over wrote the data of the deleted files.

    once you do this go to your friends house and download a undeleter to a jump drive. Then boot into safe mode and run it.

  6. I've gone to the extent of using the Greasemonkey extension to Firefox to change them around myself but I was just wondering, can anybody explain the reason the homepage has a blue background and the forums have a white one?

    @Deveant this is what i mean

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