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Posts posted by TPanthers

  1. I am new to both Chromebooks and to the USB Rubber Ducky (URB).  I purchased 5 of the URB's to help enroll 270 Dell Chromebook 3380's.  I looked up a couple of other scripts by people who have enrolled chromebooks and mine now starts like the one below.  I used ducktoolkit.com to get my bin file and loaded it onto the sd card (tested it would bring up the "Hello World" on my machine and it did).  When I plug the URB into the chromebook, it blinks green once and then does not do anything else.  I tried pressing the button and nothing happens either.  I also tried booting with it in, changing the initial delay times, moving it to a different port, and opening and trying a different URB to no avail.  Any ideas?

    DELAY 5000
    DELAY 100
    DELAY 500
    DELAY 100
    DELAY 100
    DELAY 500
    STRING "Password"

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