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Posts posted by lazyduck

  1. The firmware does not allow to send key sequences where the modifier remains down during the whole sequence, it always insert an up event after each key stroke. In windows, this prevent to inject unicode characters or in fact any character using the Alt+Numpad method (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/goglobal/bb964658.aspx)

    For example, entering the letter Q in notepad using the Alt+numpad method requires to type 

    and to send the following key sequence

    down ALT
    down KEYPAD_0
    up KEYPAD_0
    down KEYPAD_8
    up KEYPAD_8
    down KEYPAD_1
    up KEYPAD_1
    up ALT

    which is not possible.

    This feature would allows us to develop payload that are nearly independent of the keyboard layout.




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