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Posts posted by TMW2N

  1. My local shopping centre has signs up that they're tracking occupancy numbers (and i guess location in the mall, based on which AP you're nearest) to "better serve visitor needs"

    Sounds to me like they want to figure out which shops people visit, and in which order, based on the MAC of your device, if it has wifi on.  I'm not sure how I feel about that, but i DO know I fancy screwing with it.

    What i think could work is, wifi pineapple somewhere in the mall, or anywhere with high footfall, gathering client MAC addresses for several hours, get a good few hundred different clients.  Then replay those out somehow from the pineapple, at random, a few at a time, so it seems like "client A" is at one end of the mall, and never leaves, "client B" on the other hand is all over the place, etc.


    I'm not sure how to go about implementing it, so before I put too much effort in, wondered if anyone had started on a similar project, or if it was even possible.

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