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Monkey Man

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Posts posted by Monkey Man

  1. The LT doesn't run hot.

    I haven't done any module development but I have looked at the stuff and it seem like it would be straight forward if you have done any scripting before.

    I like the LT very much.  I wish that the LT could be powered by POE.

    My use is "stealth" remote access using a reverse openvpn client.

    I find dropping it in a remote location and then mucking around with the configuration is fraught with peril of having to get the thing rebooted.  I have created a cron job to reboot the thing and copy a "failsafe" openvpn config on a regular basis.  Other wise openvpn will not run or get a licensing error and not boot up.


    I also want to SSH into it from the LAN at times and I use this in the /etc/firewall.user to remove the iptables rules blocking SSH from the LAN (during my initial configuration work).

    iptables -D zone_wan_src_REJECT 1
    iptables -D zone_wan_input 5

    iptables -D zone_wan_src_REJECT 1
    iptables -D zone_wan_input 5

    I am using openvpn access server but I am thinking that I want to convert to the regular openvpn. I find that the 2 client configuration is just too limiting.  I would pay for it but $150 per year for 10 client license is too much for what I am using it for.  I don't know how hard it is going to be to convert my usage but it shouldn't be too tough.

    I have started to mess around with creating a Hyper-V VM with which to do lanturtle development on.

    This is just my opinion...



  2. Okay.  I am prepared to get schooled here.  But this is what I did.

    I checked the files in /usr/share/zoneinfo.

    I found the zone that I wanted (EST5EDT) and looked at the file (cat /usr/share/zoneinfo/EST5EDT) .

    I then took the second line (EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0) and did the following:

    uci set system.@system[0].timezone=EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0
    uci commit

    Of course this is a fancy way of modifying the /etc/config/system file and adding:

    config system
            option timezone 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0'

    Then I created an /etc/TZ file by doing:

    echo "EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0" /etc/TZ

    Then I added the following line to /root/.profile:

    export TZ=$(cat /etc/TZ)

    rebooting the lanturtle then everything looked good.

    I have worked off an on with *NIX for a very long time (think SunOS 1.0) but I don't consider myself anything other than a "novice".

    The lanturtle uses the openwrt distro so reviewing the openwrt documentation will help a lot with anyone digging around in the lanturtle.





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