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Posts posted by TheCape

  1. Just wanted to share, I've been on an Empyrion Galactic Survival kick for a little while now and they just released a pretty neat update. I am currently playing on the UnknownSkies server and the folks there are pretty nice and helpful. They have some other servers as well, unknownskies.com has all the info.

    More about Empyrion, it's basically minecraft, rust, and space engineers all got together and had a baby. The game can be challenging and you get to build anything you set your mind and time to. You also have to mine resources and manage food and oxygen, it's pretty cool. I will link the steam page when I get home, I can't get to it while at work :-(


  2. I've never had someone ask to see my phone or laptop when going through customs, maybe I don't travel enough to have run into it. I also don't agree with the "if you have nothing to hide" mentality, granted, I don't have anything to hide, but I'm not fond of the idea of people poking into my personal life without good reason other than "we can".

  3. On 5/17/2017 at 1:20 PM, digip said:

    Instead of hacking their system, maybe take the time to learn about it, if it is bluetooth, ask someone at the school. Brush up on your SE skills, talk to the system people that run the PA system, learn about it, and if it is bluetooth, ask them of you can test something, such as connecting to it. Then show them if you find a flaw. This whole "how do I hack my school" isn't so much black hat or white hat. Its how and what you do. If you act maliciously as in "I want to hack my school" without purpose, ie: malicious intent, then no, we don't condone that, but surely can't stop you. But if it's "I want to know how this system works and what I can do with it, can I test this theory xyz" and you're working with someone from staff or the school, then it's a different situation. As I say a lot, learning is not a crime. What you do may be, and that is on you. How you go about it, makes the world of difference. Tinkering and curiosity is how we learn. Just be responsible, and in all situations, cover your bases, because if some ass hat at school turns around and does it maliciously after you show them how it's done, you're the one going to get in trouble if you aren't going through the right channels and being up front about it. Hopefully they encourage you to learn about it in the process, vs getting yourself into trouble.

    100% this ;-)

  4. Hello Everyone! my name is Andrew A.K.A. TheCape (please excuse my profile picture for the time being, its for my streaming stuff and the Hak forums snagged it up), I will change it once that feature is unlocked for me :-)

    Favourite game: Mass Effect Series (Including Andromeda) and Star Citizen (I know I know, it isn't out yet) 
    Favourite OS: Each OS has its own pros and cons, I love nix distros for their flexibility, but I use Windows mostly due to the sorry state of gaming on nix :-( 
    Favourite console: None, but if I had to pick one, it would be Playstation because of the Final Fantasy games :-) 
    Nationality: American 
    Accent: Some people say I have an accent, some say I don't, but I know can be a bit southern at times.
    Sex: Male 
    Race: White European 
    Height: 5'9"
    Build: I think the word we use these days is "Curvy"? Robust is also acceptable....also round :-P
    Favourite band: I don't know if I have a favorite band, I stream mostly electronic music from di.fm 
    Favourite book: Hands down the X-wing Series, I've read the whole series at least 4 times.
    Favourite author: Michael A. Stackpole (wrote most of the X-wing books mentioned above). 
    Favourite movie: Um, right now I think it's Gaurdians of the Galaxy 
    Favourite director: Don't really have one 
    Favourite TV Show: Rick and Morty, The Expanse, BSG, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Game of Thrones 
    Favourite actor: Sean Connery and then Mark Hamill
    Favourite actress: I don't know if I have a favorite actress, I've thought about it for 10 minutes or so and can't pick one. 
    Favourite Pinup: Jennifer Lawrence and/or Scarlett Johansson
    Favourite Comedian: Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglesias
    Other hobbies: Mountain biking (need to get back to this), gaming, steaming, and playing with tech stuff. 
    Car: Mazda 6 
    Occupation: Nerd :-) 
    Age: 32
    Status: Married 

    It's nice to meet all of you and I look forward to learning all sorts of things :-) Cheers!

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