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SweetRush Coder

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Posts posted by SweetRush Coder

  1. On 1/2/2018 at 8:58 AM, i8igmac said:

    Well. The data that I stream is raw, the method I use leaves the tcp connection with the client/server always open state. because of this the data will be seen at the same time it happens. If you run 'ping google', the client will see each line print in real time.


    I Simply wrap the data with bootstrap tags for a slick looking display.





    Yep that the way i am going at the moment just working on getting the functionality down first then will work on the cosmetics later on with BStrap and some jquary


  2. I would love to get my hands on a pineapple but due to the fact that i am from a country that delivery does not get to from hak5 , i live in an island in the pacific called Samoa. and very good with computers been following hak5 since it was ever started and ever since it was run some a small show room i was always happy to view information on it. but i have been trying to get my hands on a pineapple for along time. unable to get my hands on on i got a pi and now just turning it on as a tool of tools. currently its been built with the power of a VPN-Router over LTE as i am in a remote area with no access to any fiber or ADSL connection so using my cellphone as the GW to my lab of connections. and then alot of VPN tunnels with in all of it. 

  3. 1 hour ago, i8igmac said:

    There is a console.php demo. I can't find the link... its a basic console you can imbed on your site.


    I have a similar project. Running console applications and displaying live io stream to the web client in html form. Things like signal stregth, reaver attacks, mdk attacks, configuring of wifi devices etc.


    For example if a button was clicked I could run `iwlist scan` and display the content in html format with a button for each essid and a connect button.


    I'm using ruby on rails. Action::controller::live is the method for streaming live content... this allows me more control of the content I want to stream.


    A basic example could be `ping google.com` and display the content to the web client. I could make you a working example.


    so, my suggestion is ruby on rails.

    Yeah I have a index command that calls the wireless ap list with a php script that outputs the aps with the iwlist you have some ruby rail set for calling system and streaming to HTML 

  4. 8 hours ago, PoSHMagiC0de said:

    Take a look at this first.  If you still wish to D.I.Y. then come on back.  I would ask this in the coding topics part of the forums since you will be asking for some coding help then.  Before going that route, you should see if the below solution would suite you.  Personally, I would put a web based PC admin tool as a list on local host only and use SSH to access it through port forwarding through SSH.  Secure SSH with a certificate based authentication with password auth turned off.



    Its a project that i am trying to build and i trying to build it from bottom up. i have been looing in to php code stings that can do sending system commands like shell_exec(),system( command, return value ), exec() after trying most of them it will give error code 1 which is a permission problem. 

  5. Hi Guys 

    working on a project that i want to modify some system configs using web+php with account www-data 

    i am hoping to create a web form that will have the name of the interfaces and the ip of the interface if Static or DHCP then have this form output its result to create a config file for /etc/network/interfaces 

    This will allow me to config the different network interface on my linux computer from the web. 

    Please post your ideas anything is helpful. so security is also important to note 

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