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Posts posted by MrCoffee

  1. So I watched the set up vid and didn't pick up on the fact that I needed to intervene with the driver.  Whoopise.  Went through set up and then ran into connection issue with trying to share the internet connection.  Drivers sorted and setup worked out I noticed that the pineapple when looking at ifconfig appears to be designating itself with an enx01c0ca8fb0d7 which to me appears to be a MAC address at the tail end vs. another ETH port.  If I were to guess this might be why ICS doesn't work there is no other valid ETH port in the mix.  I stumbled upon this when trying to pull down modules.  Any ideas on how to modify this?  I also thought maybe this might have been related to a botched firmware upgrade, however other areas appear to work at the instructions for manually upgrading again assume that you can attach to the an ETH port.  I have attempted to run through setting up an IP manually on the above as a designated port, but then you cannot connect to that using a browser.  I've also looked up all the other things that people have tried, but none of those work and that's why I started thinking this might be the root cause.  I just got this yesterday. 

    Thanks in advance for any feedback

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