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Posts posted by collide

  1. On 12/15/2016 at 7:30 AM, JCAG said:

    Hey Gang!

    I'm going to be using the Tetra from my vehicle on the go, and I'm looking to use the following Inverter to be able to power the Pineapple: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00UFERZKO/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=AWZ3LXPHZK09

    I'm going to use the power adapter that came with the Tetra to connect to this Inverter, and I'm just curious if anyone has used an Inverter with a Pineapple before. If so, are there any "gotchas" I need to worry about?

    From the specifications of this Inverter, it takes the DC 12V car cigarette lighter, and outputs AC 110V; and has a capacity of up to 400W (which is plenty, as I'll only be using it with the Tetra, and a small netboot that draws ~ 30W at peak).

    I'm curious, so let me know what you guys think!

    Hey JCAG

    I wouldnt use an inverter myself, the pineapple runs off of 12v and thats what your car battery supplies, id be more inclined to use something like this https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lavolta®-Charger-Connector-Synthesizer-DVD-Player/dp/B00TRKAYJQ/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1484003765&sr=8-13&keywords=12v+2a+car+charger. Most netbooks have cigarette lighter port chargers aswell. An inverter would be harder on your car battery.

  2. hey Black,

    Im not entirely sure if this solves what you want to achieve but if your pineapple is connected by ethernet to your router you can reach the web interface by navigating to the ip it is assigned and its webpage port in your browser. EG 192.168.x.x:1471.  I was having a problem with keeping connected to the management wifi also. I havent been able to find a solution to that yet.

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